Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/116

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108 STAT. 90 PUBLIC LAW 103-218—MAR. 9, 1994 "(b) PROJECT ACTIVITIES. —Such recycling projects may include— "(1) a system for accepting, on an unconditional gift basis, assistive technology devices, including a process for valuing the devices and evaluating their use and potential; "(2) a system for storing and caring for such devices; "(3) an information system (including computer databases) by which local educational agencies, rehabilitation entities, local community-based organizations, independent living centers, and other entities, would be informed, on a periodic and timely basis, about the availability and nature of the devices currently held; and "(4) a system that makes such devices available to consumers and the entities Usted in paragraph (3), and provides for tracking each device throughout the useful life of the device. "(c) MULTIPLE PROVIDERS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.—With respect to activities funded under this section, an agency, entity, or institution may utilize a single service provider or may establish a system of service providers. "(2) ASSURANCES. — If an agency, entity, or institution uses multiple providers, the agency, entity, or institution shall assure that— "(A) all consumers within a State will receive equal access to services, regardless of the geographic location or socioeconomic status of the consumers; and "(B) all activities of the providers will be coordinated and monitored by the agency, entity, or institution. "(d) OTHER LAWS. —Nothing in this section shall afiTect the provision of services or devices pursuant to title I of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. 720 et seq.) or part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1411 et seq.). "(e) EXISTING PROGRAMS.— Public agencies, private entities, or institutions of higher education that have established recycling programs prior to receiving assistance under this section may use funds made available under this section to extend and strengthen such programs through grants, contracts, or agreements under this section. 29 USC 2244. "SEC. 214. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES. "The Secretary may make grants to individuals with disabilities to enable Uie individuals to establish or operate commercial or other enterprises that develop or market assistive technology devices or assistive technology services. 29 USC 2245. "SEC. 216. PRODUCTS OF UMVERSAL DESIGN. "The Secretary may make grants to commercial or other enterprises and institutions of higher education for the research and development of products of universal design. In awarding such grants, the Secretary shall give preference to enterprises that are owned or operated by individuals with disabilities. 29 USC 2246. «SEC. 21i. GOVERNING STANDARDS FOR ACTIVITIES. "Persons and entities that carry out activities pursuant to this subtitle shall—