Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/190

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108 STAT. 164 PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 (E) a process for improving the State's system of teacher and school administrator preparation and licensure, and of continuing professional development programs, including the use of technology at both the State and local levels, so that all teachers, related services personnel, and administrators develop the subject matter and pedagogical expertise needed to prepare all students to meet State content standards and State student performance standards. (d) OPPORTUNITY-TO-LEARN STANDARDS AND STRATEGIES.— (1) IN GENERAL. —Each State improvement plan shall establish standards or strategies for providing all students with an opportunity to learn. Such standards or strategies shall include such factors as the State deems appropriate to ensure that all students receive a fair opportunity to achieve the knowledge and skills as described in State content standards and State student performance standards adopted by the State. (2) IMPLEMENTATION.— Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the implementation of opportunity-to-leam standards or strategies shall be voluntary on the part of the States, local educational agencies, and schools. (3) CONSTRUCTION. —Nothing in this section shall be construed to— (A) mandate equalized spending per pupil for a State, local educational agency, or school; or (B) mandate national school building standards for a State, local educational agency, or school. (e) GOVERNANCE, ACCOUNTABILITY AND MANAGEMENT.— Each State improvement plan shall establish strategies for improved governance, accountability and management of the State's education system, such as— (1) aligning responsibility, authority, and accountability throughout the education system, so that decisions regarding the means for achieving State content standards and State student performance standards are made closest to the learners; and (2) creating an integrated and coherent approach to recruiting, retaining and supporting the continued professional development of teachers (including vocational teachers), and other educators, giving special attention to the recruitment into and retention of qualified minorities in the education profession. (f) PARENTAL AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND INVOLVEMENT.— Each State improvement plan shall describe strategies for how the State educational agency will involve parents and other community representatives in planning, designing, and implementing the State improvement plan, including strategies such as— (1) focusing public and private community resources and public school resources on prevention and early intervention to address the needs of all students by identifying and removing unnecessary regulations and obstacles to coordination; and (2) increasing the access of all students to social services, health care, nutrition, related services, and child care services, and locating such services in schools, cooperating service agencies, community-based centers, or other convenient sites designed to provide "one-stop shopping^ for parents and students.