Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/242

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108 STAT. 216 PUBLIC LAW 103-227—MAR. 31, 1994 (3) such written comments and recommendations as may be submitted by the Board concerning the activities carried out by and through each of the institutes and the national education dissemination system during the fiscal years for which such report is prepared; (4) a description of the coordination activities undertaken pursuant to subsection (g) during the fiscal years for which such report is prepared; (5) recommendations for legislative and administrative changes necessary to improve the coordination of all educational research, development, and dissemination activities carried out within the Federal Government; and (6) such additional comments, recommendations, and materials as the Assistant Secretary considers appropriate, (0 RESEARCH PRIORITIES PLAN.— (1) IN GENERAL. —Working collaboratively with the Board, the Assistant Secretary shall— (A) survey and assess the state of knowledge in education research, development and dissemination to identify disciplines and areas of inquiry in which the state of knowledge is insufficient and which warrant further investigation, taking into account the views of both education researchers and practicing educators; (B) consult with the National Education Groals Panel and other authorities on education to identify national priorities for the improvement of education; (C) actively solicit recommendations from education researchers, teachers, school administrators, cultural leaders, parents, and others throughout the United States through such means as periodic regional forums; (D) provide recommendations for the development, maintenance, and assurance of a strong infrastructure for education, research, and development in the United States; and (E) on the basis of such recommendations, develop a research priorities program which shall recommend priorities for the investment of the resources of the Office over the next 5-, 10-, and 15-year periods, including as priorities those areas of inquiry in which further research, development and dissemination— (i) is necessary to attain the National Education Groals; (ii) promises to yield the greatest practical benefits to teachers and other educators in terms of improving education; and (iii) will not be undertaken in sufficient scope or intensity by the other Federal and non-Federal entities engaged, in education research and development. (2) CONTENTS OF PLAN. — (A) The research and priorities plan described in paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum— (i) set forth specific objectives which can be expected to be achieved as a result of a Federal investment in the priorities set forth in the plan; (ii) include recommendations with respect to research and development on cross-cutting issues which should be carried out jointly by 2 or more of the research institutes; and