Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/571

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PUBLIC LAW 103-238—APR. 30, 1994 108 STAT. 545 of availability and a summary of the final stock assessment or any revision thereof, not later than 90 days after— "(A) the close of the public comment period on a draft stock assessment or revision thereof; or "(B) final action on an agency proceeding pursuant to paragraph (2). "(c) REVIEW AND REVISION.— (1) The Secretary shall review stock assessments in accordance with this subsection— "(A) at least annually for stocks which are specified as strategic stocks; "(B) at least annually for stocks for which significant new information is available; and "(C) at least once every 3 years for all other stocks. "(2) If the review under paragraph (1) indicates that the status of the stock has changed or can be more accurately determined, the Secretary shall revise the stock assessment in accordance with subsection (b). "(d) REGIONAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEW GROUPS.—(1) Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Secretary of Commerce shall, in consultation with the Secretary of the Interior (with respect to marine mammals under that Secretary's jurisdiction), the Marine Mammal Commission, the Governors of affected adjacent coastal States, regional fishery and wildlife management authorities, Alaska Native orgeuiizations and Indian tribes, and environmental and fishery groups, establish three independent regional scientific review groups representing Alaska, the Pacific Coast (including Hawaii), and the Atlantic Coast (including the Gulf of Mexico), consisting of individuals with expertise in marine mammal biology and ecology, population dynamics and modeling, commercial fishing technology and practices, and stocks taken under section 101(b). The Secretary of Commerce shall, to the maximum extent practicable, attempt to achieve a balanced representation of viewpoints among the individuals on each regional scientific review group. The regional scientific review groups shall advise the Secretary on— "(A) population estimates and the population status and trends of such stocks; "(B) uncertainties and research needed regarding stock separation, abundance, or trends, and factors affecting the distribution, size, or productivity of the stock; "(C) uncertainties and research needed regarding the species, number, ages, gender, and reproductive status of marine mammals; "(D) research needed to identify modifications in fishing gear and practices likely to reduce the incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals in commercial fishing operations; "(E) the actual, expected, or potential impacts of habitat destruction, including marine pollution and natural environmental change, on specific marine mammal species or stocks, and for strategic stocks, appropriate conservation or management measures to alleviate any such impacts; and "(F) any other issue which the Secretary or the groups consider appropriate. "(2) The scientific review groups established under this subsection shall not be subject to the Federal Advisory Committee Act (5 App. U.S.C).