Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/86

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108 STAT. 60 PUBLIC LAW 103-218—MAR. 9, 1994 uals representing the State and individuals representing the private sector) should study the practices of private insurance companies holding licenses within the State that offer health or disability insurance policies under which an individual may obtain reimbursement for— "(i) the purchase, lease, or other acquisition of assistive technology devices; or

    • (ii) the use ofassistive technology services.

" (6) PUBLIC AWARENESS PROGRAM. — "(A) IN GENERAL.— The State may— "(i) support a public awareness program designed to provide information relating to the availability and efficacy of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services for— " (I) individuals with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives; "(II) individuals who work for public agencies, or for private entities (including insurers), that have contact with individuals with disabilities; "(III) educators and related services personnel; "(IV) technology experts (including engineers); "(V) employers; and "(VI) other appropriate individuals and entities; or "(ii) establish and support such a program if no such program exists. "(B) CONTENTS.— Such a public awareness program may include— "(i) the development and dissemination of information relating to— "(I) the nature of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services; "(II) the appropriateness, cost, and availability of, and access to, assistive technology devices and assistive technology services; and "(III) the efficacy of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services with respect to enhancing the capacity of individuals with disabilities; "(ii) the development of procedures for providing direct communication among public providers of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services and between public providers and private providers of such devices and services (including employers); and "(iii) the development and dissemination of information relating to the use of the program by individuals with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives, professionals who work in a field related to an activity described in this section, and other appropriate individuals. "(7) TRAINING AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.—The State may carry out directly, or may provide support to a public or private entity to csirry out, training and technical assistance activities— " (A)that>-