Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 1.djvu/90

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108 STAT. 64 PUBLIC LAW 103-218—MAR. 9, 1994 "(A) submitting the application described in subsection (e) on behalf of the State; "(B) administering and supervising the use of amounts made available under the grant; "(C)(i) coordinating efforts related to, and supervising the preparation of, the application; "(ii) coordinating the planning, development, implementation, and eviduation of the consumer-responsive comprehensive statewde program of technology-related assist£mce among public agencies and between public agencies and private agencies, including coordinating efforts related to entering into interagenQr agreements; and "(iii) coordinating efforts related to, and supervising, the active, timely, and meaningful participation by individuals with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, or authorized representatives, and other appropriate individuals, with respect to activities carried out under the grant; and "(D) the delegation, in whole or in part, of any responsibilities described in subparagraph (A), (B), or (C) to one or more appropriate offices, agencies, entities, or individuals. "(2) QUALIFICATIONS.—In designating the lead agency, the Governor may designate— "(A) a commission appointed by the Governor; "(B) a public-private partnership or consortium;

    • (C) a university-affiliated program;

"(D) a pi:dblic agency; "(E) a council established under Federal or State law; or "(F) another appropriate office, agency, entity, or individual. " (3) ABILITIES OF LEAD AGENCY.—The State shall provide, in accordance with subsection (e)(D, evidence that the lead agency has the ability— "(A) to respond to assistive technology needs across disabilities and ages; " (B) to promote the availability throughout the State of assistive technology devices and assistive technology services; (C) to promote and implement systems change and advocacy activities; "(D) to promote and develop public-private partnerships; "(E) to exercise leadership in identifying and responding to the technology needs of individuals with disabilities and their family members, guardians, advocates, and authorized representatives; "(F) to promote consumer confidence, responsiveness, and advocacy; and "(G) to exercise leadership in implementing effective strategies for capacity building, staff and consumer training, and enhancement of access to funding for assistive technology devices and assistive technology services across agencies."; (7) in subsection (e)—