Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/478

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108 STAT. 1194 PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 (8) operate an airport without an airport operating certificate required under section 44706 of this title or in violation of a term of the certificate; or (9) manufacture, deliver, sell, or offer for sale any aviation fuel or additive in violation of a regulation prescribed under section 44714 of this title. (b) EXEMPTION.—On terms the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration prescribes as being in the public interest, the Administrator may exempt a foreign aircraft and airmen serving on the aircraft from subsection (a) of this section. However, an exemption from observing air traffic regulations may not be granted. §44712. Emergency locator transmitters (a) INSTALLATION. — An emergency locator transmitter must be installed on a fixed-wing powered civil aircraft for use in air commerce. (b) NONAPPLICATION. — Subsection (a) of this section does not apply to— (1) turbojet-powered aircraft; (2) aircraft when used in scheduled flights by scheduled air carriers holding certificates issued by the Secretary of Transportation under subpart II of this part; (3) aircraft when used in training operations conducted entirely within a 50 mile radius of the airport from which the training operations begin; (4) aircraft when used in flight operations related to design and testing, the manufacture, preparation, and delivery of the aircraft, or the aerial application of a substance for an agricultural purpose; (5) aircraft holding certificates from the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration for research and development; (6) aircraft when used for showing compliance with regulations, crew training, exhibition, air racing, or market surveys; and (7) aircraft equipped to carry only one individual. Regulations. (c) REMOVAL.— The Administrator shall prescribe regulations specifying the conditions under which an aircraft subject to subsection (a) of this section may operate when its emergency locator transmitter has been removed for inspection, repair, alteration,, or replacement. § 44713. Inspection and maintenance (a) GENERAL EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS.— An air carrier shall make, or cause to be made, any inspection, repair, or maintenance of equipment used in air transportation as required by this part or regulations prescribed or orders issued by the Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration under this part. A person operating, inspecting, repairing, or maintaining the equipment shall comply with those requirements, regulations, and orders. (b) DUTIES OF INSPECTORS.— The Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration shall employ inspectors who shall— (1) inspect aircraft, aircraft engines, propellers, and appli- ' ances designed for use in air transportation, during manufacture and when in use by an air carrier in air transportation, to enable the Administrator to decide whether the aircraft,