Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/83

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PUBLIC LAW 103-272—JULY 5, 1994 108 STAT. 799 (B) the maximum amount of the apportionment that may be made available for projects for operating expenses under this section. (3) The cost of carrying out that part of a project includes the amount of interest earned and payable on bonds issued by the recipient to the extent proceeds of the bonds are expended in carrying out the part. However, the amount of interest allowed under this paragraph may not be more than the amount by which the estimated cost of carrying out the part (if it would be carried out at the time the part is converted to a regularly financed project) exceeds the actual cost (except interest) of carrying out the part. (4) The Secretary shall consider changes in capital project cost indices when determining the estimated cost under paragraph (3) of this subsection. (h) STREAMLINED ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES.— The Secretary shall prescribe streamlined administrative procedures for complying with the certification requirement under subsection (d)(1)(B) and (C) of this section for track and signal equipment used in existing operations. (i) REVIEWS, AUDITS, AND EVALUATIONS. —(1)(A) At least annually, the Secretary shall carry out, or require a recipient to have carried out independently, reviews and audits the Secretary considers appropriate to establish whether the recipient has carried out— (i) the activities proposed under subsection (d) of this section in a timely and effective way and can continue to do so; and (ii) those activities and its certifications and has used amounts of the Government in the way required by law. (B) An audit of the use of amounts of the Government shall comply with the auditing procedures of the Comptroller General. (2) At least once every 3 years, the Secretary shall review and evaluate completely the performance of a recipient in carrying out the recipient's program, specifically referring to compliance with statutory and administrative requirements and the extent to which actual program activities are consistent with the activities proposed under subsection (d) of this section and the planning process required under sections 5303-5306 of this title. (3) The Secretary may take appropriate action consistent with a review, audit, and evaluation under this subsection, including making an appropriate adjustment in the amount of a grant or withdrawing the grant. (j) REPORTS. —^A recipient (including a person receiving amounts from a chief executive officer of a State under this section) shall submit annually to the Secretary a report on the revenues the recipient derives from the sale of advertising and concessions. (k) SUBMISSION OF CERTIFICATIONS. — A certification under subsection (d) of this section and any additional certification required by law to be submitted to the Secretary may be consolidated into a single document to be submitted annually as part of the grant application under this section. The Secretary shall publish annually Publication. a list of all certifications required under this chapter with the publication required under section 5336(e)(2) of this title. (1) PROCUREMENT SYSTEM APPROVAL.—A recipient may request the Secretary to approve its procurement system. The Secretary shall approve the system for use for procurements financed under section 5336 of this title if, after consulting with the Administrator