Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/869

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PUBLIC LAW 103-305—AUG. 23, 1994 108 STAT. 1585 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, in excess of the total withdrawn from that air carrier as of October 31, 1993. "(3) EQUIVALENT RIGHTS OF ACCESS.—The Secretary shall not take a slot at a high density airport from an air carrier and award such slot to a foreign air carrier if the Secretary determines that air carriers are not provided equivalent rights of access to airports in the country of which such foreign air carrier is a citizen. "(4) PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS. — This subsection and exemptions issued under this subsection shall cease to be in effect when the final rules issued under subsection (f) become effective. "(c) SLOTS FOR NEW ENTRANTS.— "(1) IN GENERAL. — If the Secretary finds it to be in the public interest and the circumstances to be exceptional, the Secretary may by order grant exemptions from the requirements under subparts K and S of part 93 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (pertaining to slots at high density airports), to enable new entrant air carriers to provide air transportation at high density airports (other than Washington National Airport). "(2) PERIOD OF EFFECTIVENESS.—Exemptions issued under this subsection shall cease to be in effect on or after the date on which the final rules issued under subsection (f) become effective. " (d) SPECIAL RULES FOR WASHINGTON NATIONAL AIRPORT.— " (1) IN GENERAL. —Notwithstanding sections 6005(c)(5) and 6009(e) of the Metropolitan Washington Airports Act of 1986, or any provision of this section, the Secretary may, only under circumstances determined by the Secretary to be exceptional, grant by order to an air carrier currently holding or operating a slot at Washington National Airport an exemption from requirements under subparts K and S of part 93 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations (pertaining to slots at Washington National Airport), to enable that carrier to provide air transportation with Stage 3 aircraft at Washington National Airport; except that such exemption shall not— "(A) result in an increase in the total number of slots per day at Washington National Airport; "(B) result in an increase in the total number of slots at Washington National Airport from 7:00 ante meridiem to 9:59 post meridiem; "(C) increase the number of operations at Washington National Airport in any 1-hour period by more than 2 operations; "(D) result in the withdrawal or reduction of slots operated by an air carrier; "(E) result in a net increase in noise impact on surrounding communities resulting from changes in timing of operations permitted under this subsection; and "(F) continue in effect on or after the date on which the final rules issued under subsection (f) become effective. "(2) LIMITATION ON APPLICABILITY. —Nothing in this subsection shall adversely affect Exemption No. 5133, as from time-to-time amended and extended. " (e) STUDY.—