Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/883

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PUBLIC LAW 103-305—AUG. 23, 1994 108 STAT. 1599 (1) Not to exceed 5 airports where terrain and conditions do not lend themselves to IFR operations supported solely by automated weather observing systems. (2) Not to exceed 1 airport where an automated surface observing system is scheduled to be accepted on September 1, 1994, with such weather services to be provided until such time as the Administrator determines that the automated surface observing system is fully operatio lal. (3) Not to exceed 8 airports (where such weather observation services shall be on a cost-reimbursable basis) that are minor hub stations or strategic visual flight rules alternate airports at times when an observer is needed to supplement the automated weather observing system or immediately replace it in the event of failure. SEC. 516. RELOCATION OF AIRWAY FACILITIES. Texas. Compensation received by the United States for transfer of the San Jacinto Disposal Area by the United States to the city of Galveston, Texas, shall include compensation to be provided to the Federal Aviation Administration for all costs of establishing airway facilities to replace existing airway facilities on the San Jacinto Disposal Area. Such compensation shall include but is not limited to compensation for the replacement of the land, clear zones, buildings and equipment, and demolition and disposal of the existing facilities on the San Jacinto Disposal Area. SEC. 517. SAFETY AT ASPEN-PITKIN COUNTY AIRPORT. Colorado. (a) NIGHTTIME OPERATIONS.—On and after November 1, 1994, nighttime operations (takeoffs and landings) at Aspen-Pitkin County Airport in the State of Colorado shall be allowed for a pilot operating under instrumentflight rules or visual flight rules under parts 91 and 135 of title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, between 30 minutes after official sunset and 11 p.m., local time, as follows: (1) A pilot may operate under instrument flight rules between 30 minutes after official sunset and 11 p.m., local time (or such other operating hours as are established uniformly for all classes of operators), only if the pilot— (A) is granted clearance by air traffic control; (B) is instrument-rated; (C) is operating an aircraft that is equipped as required under section 91.205(d) of such title 14 for instrument flight; and (D) is operating an instrument approach or departure procedure approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. (2) A pilot may operate under visual flight rules between 30 minutes after official sunset and 11:00 p.m., local time (or such other operating hours as are established uniformly for all classes of operators), only if the pilot— (A) is instrument-rated; (B) has completed at least one takeoff or landing in the preceding 12 calendar months at such airport; and (C) operates an aircraft equipped as required under section 91.205(d) of such title 14 for instrument flight. (b) COMMITMENTS OF AIRPORT OWNER OR OPERATOR. —The owner or operator of the Aspen-Pitkin County Airport shall be considered to be in compliance with the requirements of subchapter II of chapter 475 of title 49, United States Code, and not otherwise