Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 2.djvu/905

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PUBLIC LAW 103-306—AUG. 23, 1994 108 STAT. 1621 States of comparable maturities: Provided further. That funds appropriated under this heading shall be made available for Greece and Turkey only on a loan basis, and the principal amount of direct loans for each country shall not exceed the following: $255,150,000 only for Greece and $364,500,000 only for Turkey: Provided further. That 10 percent of the principal amount of direct loans for Turkey shall be withheld until the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, has submitted to the Committees on Appropriations a report addressing, among other things, the allegations of abuses against civilians by the Turkish armed forces and the situation in C3T)rus, and a separate notification has been submitted at least 15 days prior to the obligation of such funds: Provided further, That 10 percent of the principal amount of direct loans for Greece shall be withheld until the Secretary of State has submitted to the Committees on Appropriations a report on the allegations of Greek violations of the United Nations sanctions against Serbia and of the United Nations Charter, and a separate notification has been submitted at least 15 days prior to the obligation of such funds. None of the funds made available under this heading shall be available to finance the procurement of defense articles, defense services, or design and construction services that are not sold by the United States Government under the Arms Export Control Act unless the foreign country proposing to make such procurements has first signed an agreement with the United States Government specifying the conditions under which such procurements may be financed with such funds: Provided, That all country and funding level increases in allocations shall be submitted through the regular notification procedures of section 515 of this Act: Provided further. That funds made available under this heading shall be obligated upon apportionment in accordance with paragraph (5)(C) of title 31, United States Code, section 1501(a): Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated under this heading shall be available for Zaire, Sudan, Liberia, Guatemala, and Peru: Provided further. That none of the funds appropriated under this heading may be made available for Colombia or Bolivia until the Secretary of State certifies that such funds will be used by such country primarily for countemarcotics activities: Provided further, That funds made available under this heading may be used, notwithstanding any other provision of law, for demining activities, and may include activities implemented through nongovernmental and international organizations: Provided further, That not more than $100,000,000 of the funds made available under this heading shall be available for use in financing the procurement of defense articles, defense services, or design and construction services that are not sold by the United States Government under the Arms Export Control Act to countries other than Israel and Egypt: Provided further. That only those countries for which assistance was justified for the "Foreign Military Sales Financing Program" in the fiscal year 1989 congressional presentation for security assistance programs may utilize funds made available under this heading for procurement of defense articles, defense services or design and construction services that are not sold by the United States Government under the Arms Export Control Act: Provided further, That, subject to the regular notification procedures of the Committees on Appropriations, funds made available under this heading for the cost of direct loans may also be used to supplement the funds available