Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 4.djvu/352

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108 STAT. 2986 PUBLIC LAW 103-337 —OCT. 5, 1994 "Commander 7 percent "Lieutenant commander 22 percent " L ieutenant 37 percent "Lieutenant (junior grade) and ensign (when combined with the number authorized for flag officer grades under section 12004 of this title) 32.5 percent. "(2) When the actual number of Une officers in an active status in any grade is less than the number authorized by paragraph (1) for that grade, the difference may be applied to increase the number authorized by that paragraph for any lower grade or grades. "(c)(1) The authorized strengths of the Marine Corps Reserve in officers in an active status in the grades of colonel, lieutenant colonel, major, and captain, and in the grades of first lieutenant and second lieutenant combined, are the following percentages of the total authorized number of those officers: "Colonel 2 percent "Lieutenant colonel 6 percent "Major 12 percent "Captain 35 percent "First lieutenant and second lieutenant (when combined with the number authorized for general officer grades under section 12004 of this title) 32.5 percent. "(2) When the actual number of officers in an active status in any grade is less than the number authorized by paragraph (1) for that grade, the difference may be applied to increase the number authorized by that paragraph for any lower grade or grades. "(d)(1) An officer of the Army or Air Force may not be reduced in grade because of a reduction in the number of commissioned officers authorized for the officer's grade under this section. "(2) An officer of the Naval Reserve or the Marine Corps Reserve may not be reduced in permanent grade because of a reduction in the number authorized by this section for his grade. '^§ 12006. Strength limitations: authority to waive in time of war or national emergency "(a) In time of war, or of national emergency declared by Congress or the President, the President may suspend the operation of any provision of section 12003, 12004, or 12005 of this title. So long as any such war or national emergency continues, any such suspension may be extended by the President. "(b) Any suspension under subsection (a) shall, if not sooner ended, end on the last day of the two-year period beginning on the date on which the suspension (or the last extension thereof) takes effect or on the last day of the one-year period beginning on the date of the termination of the war or national emergency, whichever occurs first. With respect to the end of any such suspension, the preceding sentence supersedes the provisions of title II of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1621, 1622) which provide that powers or authorities exercised by reason of a national emergency shall cease to be exercised after the date of termination of the emergency. "§ 12007. Reserve officers of the Army: distribution "The Secretary of the Army shall distribute the number of reserve commissioned officers, other than commissioned warrant officers, authorized in each commissioned grade between those assigned to reserve units organized to serve as units and those not assigned to such units. The Secretary shall distribute the number who are assigned to reserve units organized to serve as units