Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 5.djvu/93

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PUBLIC LAW 103-382—OCT. 20, 1994 108 STAT. 3583 "(ii) to provide services under this part to individuals with special needs, such as individuals with limited English proficiency and individuals with disabilities; and "(iii) to encourage participeints to remain in the program for a time sufficient to meet the program's purpose; and "(F) a description of how the plan is integrated with other programs under this Act, the Goals 2000: Educate America Act, or other Acts, as appropriate, consistent with section 14306. "(2) DURATION OF THE PLAN.—Each plan submitted under paragraph (1)(A) shall— "(A) remain in effect for the duration of the eligible entity's participation under this part; and "(B) be periodically reviewed and revised by the eligible entity as necessary. "(d) CONSOLIDATED i\ppLiCATiON.—The plan described in subsection (c)(1)(F) may be submitted as part of a consolidated application under section 14302. "SEC. 1208. AWARD OF SUBGRANTS. 20 USC 6368. "(a) SELECTION PROCESS.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— The State educational agency shall establish a review panel in accordance with paragraph (3) that will approve applications that— "(A) are most likely to be successful in— "(i) meeting the purpose of this part; and "(ii) effectively implementing the program elements required under section 1205; "(B) demonstrate that the area to be served by such program has a high percentage or a large number of children and families who are in need of such services as indicated by high levels of poverty, illiteracy, unemploy- ment, limited-English proficiency, or other need-related indicators, including a high percentage of children to be served by the program who reside in a school attendance area eligible for participation in programs under part A; "(C) provide services for at least a three-year age range, which may begin at birth; "(D) demonstrate the greatest possible cooperation and coordination between a variety of relevant service providers in all phases of the program; "(E) include cost-effective budgets, given the scope of the application; "(F) demonstrate the applicant's ability to provide the Federal share required by section 1204(b); "(G) are representative of urban and rural regions of the State; and "(H) show the greatest promise for providing models that may be adopted by other local educational agencies. "(2) PRIORITY FOR SUBGRANTS. —The State educational agency shall give priority for subgrants under this subsection to applications that— "(A) target services primarily to families described in paragraph (1)(B); or