Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/754

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108 STAT. 5322 PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 Annex II (con.) -23- Section (A). (con.) 45(a). Subheading 8422.90.05 Is superseded by: nXihHnhing BMhinM...:] [Pa rte:] "Of cHihuMhing aMhinn: 8422. 90.02 Uitw cantainant diaten for the dlriMBihing aachlnM of nttaading 8422.11 and other part* of dlfhuaahine nchlnaa of the hduiihotd typ* tncorporatine Mtar ecmainant chiitert Free (A.CA.E.IL.J, 35S NX) V 8422.W.04 Door aaBiirt>l<a« for the d<iiwaah<i« •Bdilna* of tt±heading 8422.11 3.<X Free (A,CA,E.IL,J, 3SX ») 8422.90.06 Other 3.« X Free (A.E.IL.J.NX) 35SP> 1.4S (Ok) (b). Conforming change: The article description for subheading 9905.84.21 is modified by deleting "8422.90.05" and inserting "8422.90.06" in lieu thereof. 46. Subheadings 8427.10.00 and 8427.20.00 are superseded by: (Fork-lift truck*...:] "8427.10 Salf-propallad trucks ponarad tay an alactric •ator: 8427. 10.40 RidM-typa. cointarfaalancad fork-lift trucks Free 351 8427.10.80 Other Free SU 8427.20 Other salf-propallad trucks: 8427. 20.40 Ridn-typa, couitartalanead fork-lift truck* F raa 3K 8427. 20.80 Other F raa 3W 47(a). Subheading 8450.90.00 is superseded by: (HouMhold- or laundry-typa uashinB...:) ^ "8450.90 Parts: 8450.90.20 TUiB and tub as*ad>lias 5.IS Frae (A,E,IL,J,HX) 40S 2 X(CA) 8450.90.40 Fumitura dnigned to racaiw the aachine* of sufaheading* 8450.11 through 8450.20. i nc lu siv a 5.1X Free (A.E.IL.J.NX) 40X 2X (CA) 8450.90.M Other 5.1X Free (A.E.IL.J.NC) 4091" 2X (CM (b). Conforming change: The article description for subheading 9905.84.31 is modified by deleting "8450.90.00" and Inserting "8450.90" in lieu thereof.