Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/765

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5333 Annex II (con.) -34- Section (A). (con.) 67(a). Subheadings 8507.20.00, 8507.30.00, 8507.40.00 and 8507.80.00 are superseded and the following Inserted In numerical sequence: [Electric storage batteries...;] "8507.20 Other lead-acid storage batteries: 8507.20.40 Of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically pouered vehicles of silAeading 8703.90 5.3X Free (A,B,E,IL,J, 40X MX) 2.1X (CA) 8507.20.80 Other S.3X Free (A,B,C,E,IL,J. «0X MX) 2.IX (CA) 8507.30 Nidcel-cadniun storage butteries: 8507.30.40 Of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of subheading 8703.90 5. IX Free (A,B,E,IL,J, 40X MX) 2X (CA) 8507.30.80 Other 5.IX Free (A,B,C,E,IL, 40X J,MX) 2X (CA) 8507.40 Hicket-lron storage batteries: 8507.40.40 Of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of siiiieading 8703.90 S.1X Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 40X J.MX) 8507.40.80 Other 5.IX Free (A,B,C,CA,E, 40X IL.J.NX) 8507.80 Other storage batteries: 8507.80.40 Of a kind used as the primary source of electrical power for electrically powered vehicles of S(±headit« 8703.90 S.1X Free (A,B,CA,E,IL, 40X J.MX) 8507.80.80 Other 5.1X Free (A,8,C,CA,E, 40X" IL.J.MX) (b). Conforming change: The article description for subheading 9905.85.27 Is modified by deleting "8507.30.00" and Inserting "8507.30" In lieu thereof. 68. Subheading 8508.90.00 Is superseded by: CElectronechanical toots for working,..:] • 8508.90 Parts: 8508.90.40 Housirws 2.2X Free (A,E,IL.J.MX) 35X 0.8X (CA) 8508.90.80 Other Z.2X Free (A,E,IL.J.MX) 35X" 0.8X (CA)