Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/813

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5381 Annex II (con.) - 82- Section (A). (con.) 123. (con.): Goods of Mexico, iinler the terms of general, note 12 to the tariff schedule (con.): Cheese and curd (con.): Provided for in subheading 0406.30.40: 9906.05.56 Siisject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 8 to this siixhapter -. Other: 9906.05.57 Valued not over t1.97/kg 9906.05.58 Other Provided for in sutiheading 0406.30.50: 9906.05.59 Subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 8 to this subchapter Other: 9906.05.60 Valued not over $2.04/lcg 9906.05.61 Other Provided for in sviaheading 0406.30.60: 990 6. 05.62 Containing, or processed from, Byrndza, Gjetost, Gamnelost, Nokicetost or Roquefort cheeses ^ Containing, or processed from, blue-veined cheese (except Roquefort): 990 6. 05. 63 Subject to the quantitative limits specified in U.S. note 8 to this subchapter Other: 9906.05.64 Valued not over S2.32/kg 9906.05.65 Other [See Annex III(B) to this Proclanetion] (MX) [See Annex IIKB) to this Proclanatiom (MX) [See Amex III(B) to this Proclamation] (MX) [See Amex III(B) to this Proclamation] ( MX) [See Annex IIKB) to this Proclamation] (MX) [Sec Annex IIKB) to this Proclametiard (MX) [See Amex III(B) to this Proclamation] (MX)