Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 108 Part 6.djvu/837

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PROCLAMATION 6641—DEC. 15, 1993 108 STAT. 5405 Annex II (con.) -106- Section (A). (con.) 123. (con.): Goocb of Mexico, undM- the tens of gtfwrit not* 12 to the tariff whadutc (con.): Malt extract; food praparationa of flour, aaal, atarch or aalt extract, not containing cocoa poudar or containing cocoa poudtr in a proportion by wi^t of laaa than 50 percent, not etaarfiere qiecified or included; food preparationa of goode of headingt 0401 to OMK, not containino cocoa pouder or containing cocoa pouder in a proportion by wight of lasa then 10 percent, not elacHhere specified or included (con.): Provided for in aii^ioeding 1901.20 (con.): Goods of the type described inU.S. note 20 to this subchapter: SiAject to the qjentitetive liaita epeeified in U.S. note 20 to this siAdMpter Othw: Valued not ovw 47.7*/kg [See Amex IIKB) to this Proclantion] (NX) Other [See Annex IIKB) to this Proclnatiord (iB() Other Free (MX) Provided for in sU*ieedir« 1901.90.31: Cejeta with aillc catporant containing over 50 percent by ueiifit of goat's •ilk Free (MK) Other: Goods of a type described in U. S. note 7 to thi s stiachepter: SU> je ct to the oantitatiwe liaita specified in U.S. note 7 to this subch^iter Free (MX) Other: Valued not over »1.27/kg [See Annex 111(8) to this ProclsMticn] (N() Other tSee Annex IIKB) to this Procloaation] (MX) Other [See Annex IIKB) to this ProclaetiorO (MX)