Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/408

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109 STAT. 392 PUBLIC LAW 104-43—NOV. 3, 1995 16 USC 1826d. 16 USC 1826e. 16 USC 1826f. President. 16 USC 1826g. Yukon River Salmon Act of 1995. International agreements. Canada. 16 USC 5701 note. 16 USC 5701. (5) the best scientific information demonstrates the wastefulness and potentially destructive impacts of large-scale driftnet fishing on living marine resources and seabirds; and (6) Resolution 46/215 of the United Nations General Assembly calls on all nations, both individually and collectively, to prevent large-scale driftnet fishing on the high seas. SEC. 603. PROHIBITION. The United States, or any agency or official acting on behalf of the United States, may not enter into any international agreement with respect to the conservation and management of living marine resources or the use of the high seas by fishing vessels that would prevent full implementation of the global moratorium on large-scale driftnet fishing on the high seas, as such moratorium is expressed in Resolution 46/215 of the United Nations General Assembly. SEC. 604. NEGOTIATIONS. The Secretary of State, on behalf of the United States, shall seek to enhance the implementation and effectiveness of the United Nations General Assembly resolutions and decisions regarding the moratorium on large-scale driftnet fishing on the high seas through appropriate international agreements and organizations. SEC. 605. CERTIFICATION. The Secretary of State shall determine in writing prior to the signing or provisional application by the United States of any international agreement with respect to the conservation and management of living marine resources or the use of the high seas by fishing vessels that the prohibition contained in section 603 will not be violated if such agreement is signed or provisionally applied. SEC. 606. ENFORCEMENT. The President shall utilize appropriate assets of the Department of Defense, the United States Coast Guard, and other Federal agencies to detect, monitor, and prevent violations of the United Nations moratorium on large-scale driftnet fishing on the high seas for all fisheries under the jurisdiction of the United States and, in the case of fisheries not under the jurisdiction of the United States, to the fullest extent permitted under international law. TITLE VII—YUKON RIVER SALMON ACT SEC. 701. SHORT TITLE. This title may be cited as the "Yukon River Salmon Act of 1995". SEC. 702. PURPOSES. It is the purpose of this title— (1) to implement the interim agreement for the conservation of salmon stocks originating from the Yukon River in Canada agreed to through an exchange of notes between the Government of the United States and the Government of Canada on February 3, 1995; (2) to provide for representation by the United States on the Yukon River Panel established under such agreement; and