Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 1.djvu/491

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PUBLIC LAW 104-52—NOV. 19, 1995 109 STAT. 475 be necessary to perforra protective functions; for payment of per diem and/or subsistence allowances to employees where a protective assignment during the actual day or days of the visit of a protectee require an employee to work 16 hours per day or to remain overnight at his or her post of duty; the conducting of and participating in firearms matches; presentation of awards; and for travel of Secret Service employees on protective missions without regard to the limitations on such expenditures in this or any other Act: Provided, That approval is obtained in advance from the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations; for repairs, alterations, and minor construction at the James J. Rowley Secret Service Training Center; for research and development; for making grants to conduct behavioral research in support of protective research and operations; not to exceed $12,500 for official reception and representation expenses; not to exceed $50,000 to provide technical assistance and equipment to foreign law enforcement organizations in counterfeit investigations; for payment in advance for commercial accommodations as may be necessary to perform protective functions; and for uniforms without regard to the general purchase price limitation for the current fiscal year; $531,944,000. VIOLENT CRIME REDUCTION PROGRAMS For activities authorized by Public Law 103-322, to remain available until expended, which shall be derived from the Violent Crime Reduction Trust Fund, as follows: (a) As authorized by section 190001(e), $69,314,000, of which $25,690,000 shall be available to the United States Customs Service for expenses associated with "Operation Hardline"; of which $21,010,000 shall be available to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, of which no less than $14,410,000 shall be available to annualize the salaries and related costs for the fiscal year 1995 supplemental initiative, and of which no less than $3,500,000 shall be available for administering the Gang Resistance Education and Training program, and of which $3,100,000 shall be available for ballistics technologies; of which $21,600,000 shall be available to the United States Secret Service, of which no less than $1,600,000 shall be available for enhancing forensics technolo^ to aid missing and exploited children investigations; and of which $1,014,000 shall be available to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; and (b) As authorized by section 32401, $7,200,000, for disbursement through grants, cooperative agreements or contracts, to local governments for Gang Ilesistance Education and Training: Provided, That notwithstanding sections 32401 and 310001, such funds shall be allocated only to the affected State and local law enforcement and prevention organizations participating in such projects. GENERAL PROVISIONS—DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY SECTION 101. Any obligation or expenditure by the Secretary in connection with law enforcement activities of a Federal agency or a Department of the Treasury law enforcement organization in accordance with 31 U.S.C. 9703(g)(4)(B) from unobligated balances remaining in the Fund on September 30, 1996, shall be made in compliance with the reprogramming guidelines contained in the House and Senate reports accompanying this Act.