Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/179

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1151 Annex (con.) - 102- Sectlo n A. (co ntinued) (37)(b). (con.): (vi) (con.): [Goods of Mexico,...:] tCho cotate and other food...:] Provided for in subheading 18 06.20. 82 o r 18 06.20.87: 9906.18. 61 SUiject to t he quant itati ve Uiaits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Free (MX) Other: 9906.18.62 Valued not over 42.1c/lcg 31.8*/kg (HX> 9906.18.63 Other 75.6X (NX) Provided for in subheading 18 06.20. 94: 990 6.18.64 Subject to t he quant itati ve linits specified in U.S. note 1 9 to this subchapter Free ( NX) Other: 990 6.18.6 5 Valued not over 42.1«/lig 31.8«/l(g (MX) 990 6.18.66 Other 75.6X (MX) Provided for in subheading 18 06.20.98: 990 6.18.67 Subject to t he quant itati ve limits specified in U.S. note 20 to this subchapter Free ( NX) Other: 9 906. 18.6 8 Valued not over 42.1</lcg 31.8(/lcg (MX) 99 06.1 8.69 Other 75.6 X (MX) Provided for in subheading 1806.32.06, 1 806.32. 16 o r 1806.32.70: 990 6.18.70 Sub ject to the qu antit ative limits specified in U.S. note 7 to this sul xhapt er Free ( MX) Other: 9906.1 8.71 Val ued not over 42.1«/kg 31.8</((g (MX) 990 6.18.72 Other 75.6X (MX) Provided for in subheading 1806.90.08, 1806.90.1 8 o r 18 06.90.28: 9906. 18.73 Subject to the qu antita tive limits specified in U.S. note 7 to this subchapter Free (MX) Other: 99 06.1 8.74 Valued not over 42.1c/lcg 31. 8(/k g (NX) 99 06.18.75 Other 75.6X (MX) Provided for in subheading 1806.90. 39: 99 06.1 8.76 Subject to t he quan titat ive limits specified in U.S. note 19 to this subchapter Free (M X) Other: 990 6.1 8.7 7 Valued not over 42.1</kg 3 1.8</kg ( MX) 990 6.18.78 Other 75.6X (MX)