Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/294

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109 STAT. 1266 PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 Anne x (con.) -217- Section A. (c ontinued) (197). (con.): (b) The aggregate quantity of fibers of cotton processed but not spun, entered under stiaheading 5203.00.10 during the IZ-iaonth period beginning September 11 in any year (beginning with Septenter 11, 199S) shall not exceed 1,000 kilograns (inports from Mexico shall not be peraiitted or included in the aforenentioned quantitative limitation and no such articles shall be classifiable therein). Inports froai countries or areas uho are not neiabers of the Uorld Trade Organization shall not be peraitted or included in the quantitative limitations set forth in this note.* (198)(a). Subheadings 5201.00.10, 5201.00.20 and 5201.00.50 are superseded and following provisions Inserted in numerical sequence: tCotton, not carded or ccaiied:] •Having a staple le ngth under 28.5 75 n n ( 1-1/8 inches): 5201.00.05 Harsh or rough, having a staple length under 19.05 m (3/4 inch) Free Free Other: 52 01.0 0.12 Described in general note 15 of the tariff schedule and entered pursuant to its provisions Free Free 5201.OO.U De scrib ed i n addi tional U. S. note 5 to this chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions Free Free 520 1.00.18 Other [ See se ction See 99 06.5 2.0 1, 36.9«/ltg D to this 9906. 52.05- Annex] 9906. 52.0 7 (N X) Having a staple length of 28.575 wm (1-1/8 inches) or more but under 34.9 25 B i (1-3/8 in ches): 520 1.00.2 2 Described in general note IS of the tariff s che dul e and entered pursuant to itsprovisions 4.4t/lcg Free (E,IL,J,NX) 15.4t/lcg 1.3«/l(g (CA) Other, harsh or rough, having a staple length of 29.36875 MI (1-5/32 inches) or more and riiite in color (except cotton of perished staple, grabbots and cotton piclcings): 5201.00. 24 Desc ribed i n addi tional U. S. note 6 to this chapter and entered pursuant to its provisions 4.4*/lig Free (E,IL,J) 15.4«/kg 1.3t/lig(CA) 5201.00.28 Other [See section See 9906.52.05 - 36.9</lcg D to this 9906.52.07 (NX) Annex]