Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/379

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PROCLAMATION 6763—DEC. 23, 1994 109 STAT. 1351 Annex (con.) -302- Section A. (continued) (361). (con.): EdM andGouda diecaes and cheese and subst itutes for ch eese conta ining, o r processad froai, Edm and Gouda chiwse, provided for i n subhea dings 04 06.'1 0.^, 040 6.20. «8, 040 6.20.7S, 040 6.30.48, 04 06.30. 75, 040 6.9 0.18 or 0406.90.88 ( con.): If entered during the effective period of saf egua rds base d upon value (c on.): 9 904. 05. 89 Valued *2.0S/lcg or nore but less than $2. 25/kg 19«/kg 9904.05.90 Valued *2.2S/kg or iBore but less than $2.45/lcg 13 «/l tg 99 04.0 5.91 Valued S2.45/kg or more but less than $2.65/kg 7t/lcg 9 904.05.92 Valued t2.65/kg or nore but less than S2.75/kg 4«/k g 99 04. 05. 93 Valued $2.7S/kg or more N o addition al du ty 9904.05.94 If entered during the effective period of safeguards based upon quantity annouiced by the Secretary of Agriculture... [See section D to this Annex] Italian-t ype che ese s, ai ade from i cou's n il k, (n original loaves (Roaano aade frai cow's •ilk, Reggiano, Pamesan, Provola\e, Provolctti and Sbrinz), and I talian-type cheeses, aade frcai cow's nilk, not in original loaves (Rc« ano aad e frosi cow 's a il k, Reggia no, P ana esa n, Prov olon e, P rovol etti, Sbrinz and Goya) and cheese and sitetitutes for cheese con tain ing, o r p rocessed f ro ai, su ch Italian-type cheeses, whether or i-wt in original loaves, provided for in subheadings 040 6.10.5 8, 0 406. 20. 53, 040 6.20. 79, 0406. 30.79, 0 406.90.32, 0406.90.3 7, 040 6.90.42 or 04 06. 90. 68: If entered during the effective period of safeguards based i^wn value: 9 904.05. 95 Valued less than SI.15/k9 98.9 t/kg 9904.05.96 Valued $1.15/kg or acre but less than »1.45/kg 77.9«/ kg 9904.05.97 Valued $1.4S/kg or acre but less than S1.7S/kg 61.4 «/kg 9904.05.98 Valued Sl.TS/kg or more but less than S2.05/kg 46.4«/kg 990 4.0 5.9 9 Valued S2.0S/kg or more but less than $2.35/kg 32.6 «/kg 990 4.0 6. 00 Valued t2.35/kg or more but' less than i2.65 /kg 2 3.6«/kg 990 4.06.01 Valued >2.6S/kg or more but less than S2.9S/ kg 14.6(/kg