Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/917

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PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 109 STAT. 1889 ANNEX I (con.) -22- 17. TCRa 1 tfarou|^ 3, ineltialve, for chapter 38 «r« delated end the following n e w T C Ra for chapter 38 are Iniertad i n li eu thereof (continued): 22. CA) A ckino* to hwding 3821 fraa mf otiwr hMding, mcipt free headtna 55.03; or (•) A ckine* to headina 3821 free heading SSO, i*atti«r or net thara la alao a cfcaiaa froi mtf ethar kaading, prevldid thara (a a raalanat valua contant of not laas than: (1) to pareant Nhara the trmaaction valua aathed It utad, er (2) 50 pareant Mhara the nat coat eathad la UMd. ZI. (A) A ehanoa to heading 3822 free wy ethar chapter, excapt free chaptart 28 throti^ 38; or (8) A dianga to headli« 3822 frm any ethar atMiaadfni ulthln chaptara 28 threu^ 38, lAathar or not thara <* alao a dtanoa free any ethar chapter, prcwtdad there la a raiicnal valua cantant of not lata than: (1) 60 paroant tdiaro xh» tranaactlen value eathod la uaad, er (2) 50 percent idiera tliM nat coat eathad la uaad. U. A ehante to auMiaadli^ 3823.11 through 38ji;.l3 fr«a any other heed1r«, exeapt from headlna 1520. 25. A change to atMiaadtne 3823.19 free any ethar auhhaeding. 26. A chance to aiiiheeding 3823.70 free any other headlna, excapt fraai heeding 1520. 27. A change to aiAhaedlnga 3824.10 through 38Zt.20 fr«e any other auhhaeding. Including anether aiiiheeding within that groiv. 28. (A) A change to a>*head1ng;>824.30 frta any other a(Maadli«, aHcapt free heading 2849; or (8) A dianga to ailiiaading:1824.30 fraa haedlw 2849, Hhatkar er net there la alao a change from any other auhheadli^, provided there la a regional value content of not laaa than: <1> 60 percent Mhara the tmaactlan value aathod la uaad, or (2) SOpercan« idiere Uie net ceet aathod la uaad. ^ 29. A change to auUeadlnga 3824.40 threu^ 3824.60 from any other mMiaading, Including another auhhaeding ulthln that greifi., 30. (A> A dianga to aiMaedlnga 3824.71 through 3824.90 from «iy ether chapter, except frai chaptara 28 tbreurii 38; or (8) A change to aiiihaedlnga 3824.71 through 3824.90 from wy other aUbheading irithin chaptara 28 through 38, Including another aiMiaading within that gret^, whether or not thara la alao a change from any other chapter, provided there la a regional value content ef net loop than: (1) 60 pareant where tiio tranaection valua aathod la uaad, or (2) 50 pareant where the nat eoet aathed la UMd." 18. TCRa 5 and 8 for chapter 39 are each aodlfied by deleting the word "percentage". 19. TGR 2 for chapter 54 is aodlfiad by deleting "5407.60.11, 5407.60.21 or 5407.60.91" and by Inserting in lieu thereof "5407.61.11, 5407.61.21 or 5407.61.91".