Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 109 Part 2.djvu/930

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109 STAT. 1902 PROCLAMATION 6857—DEC. 11, 1995 Annex IZ (con.) -2- 2. <con.): omt...:] cnn.] of turfcay* (con.)i 02i r7. 2«. 0O Cut* mi offal, frMb or cklUad. Z0.5«/ l« tn» <E.Il.J,MO Z2«/lia 4.4«/k« (00 0207.27.00 CUM nd offal, frozan 20.5«/k« Frao {I,Il,J,M(> Z2*A« 4.U/k| (00 Of ducica, gaaaa or gulnaaas 0207.32.00 Hot cut In placaa, frtth or cMUtad 10.3«/ka Free (E.IL.J.MK) 22*/k( 2.2* /ka (OO 0207. SS.00 Mot cut In placaa, frozen. 10.3*/kg Free (A,e,IL,J. 2Z*/I« MO 2.2* /ka (OO 0207.34.00 Fatty llvara. froth or chiliad 20.5*/ ka Free (E,IL,J,MX> 22*A9 4.4«/l w (CM 0207.M.0O Other. frarii or chiliad M.U/kt Free (E.II..J,ICI) ZZa/kf 4.4«/kg (OO 0207.36.00 Other, froian 20.Sa/kg Free (I.Il.J.M() 22«/ka« 4.4*/k| (OO 3. Tb« artld* tUscrlption of hoading 0209.00.00 !• aodiflad to read aa followa: tla fat, fraa of loan aaat, aid poultry fat, net landarad ar athamlaa axtraetad, fraah. chiliad, frozan, aaltad, fn brina, driad ar nakatf' 4. Tha ardcla daacrlptioit of aiibheading 0301.91.00 ia aodlflad Co raad aa followa: nraut (HlK until.flnwftiYTKiMBUH. <*«"*«««=«" sUtfcLttiwfliYnrtiyiiinntmtTo. 5. Tba arttcla daacrlption of aubheading 0302.11.00 la aodlftad Co raad aa followa: •Trout (HIB ttUttIf OicoHmnehua ailin, IWMfhvndiua £laCkL Oneortiwrichua Mialllltlltl Dneorhwichua lUttt OneoHwiichiM fgfgj;^ and nnearhwiehua chriMii»aitar>« 6. Tha arclela deacrlpclon of aubheading 03(^-1.12.00 la Bodtfled Co read aa followa: •Pacific aalaon toncoriivnehua narfca. OMorhwichiia Hf|nnln tateaHnrOtmtata. aneortwneliua mhlYtWlHi mcartiwiehua Hamch- l>ieath¥Mhui fifju and aicorhynrtua riiaAi»>. Atlantic aalain (laUB *alar> andtanuba aalaon (dudio huthol* 7. Tha artlda daacripClon of aubheading 0303.10.00 la aodlfiad Co raad aa followa: •Pacific aalaon (anmrhvnehua narka. ancafhvnehm farfameha. OneoHivndaM igjm, OicartHtthm tachauytacha. Oneorhwiehua klautch. Oncertivnchui attl *"* OicaHivnehua rtrtUT' axcludlna llvar* and roaa* 8. Tha arCida daacrlpCion of aubheading 0303.21.00 la awdlfled Co read aa follows: •Trout (HUB lOBSli Bneorhwichua Bkln. amirtiiaidiua dacU, Oneaihvnchui MiatWltTl OiiLOihvnLllua allaa.ftiLOfhwiLlHMjmou and ftmiinwichua Lhi wiuaaatari*