Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/107

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 129. 1856. 87 veys in Illinois and Missouri, at a rate not exceeding six dollars per mile, two thousand dollars. For completing the survey of towns and villages in Missouri, one thousand two hundred dollars. For the resurvey and correction of old erroneous surveys in Arkansas, discovered since the last report by the Surveyor-General, at a rate' not exceeding six dollars per mile, nine thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. For the renewal and correction of old, erroneous, and defective surveys in Arkansas, discovered since the last estimate by the Surveyor- General, where the marks have become obliterated by time, accident, and other causes, at a rate not exceeding four dollars per mile, five thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars. For surveying in Louisiana. at augmented rates now authorized by law, five thousand and fifty-Eve dollars and sixty-six cents. For preparing the unfinished records of public and private surveys to be transferred to the State authorities under the provisions of the act 1840, eh_ 3e_ of twelfth June eighteen hundred and forty, in those districts where Vol. v. p. 384- the surveys are about being completed, eighteen thousand one hundred dollars. For resurvey and examination of the survey of the public lands in those States where the offices of the surveyors-general have been or shall be closed under the acts of the twelfth June, eighteen hundred and forty, and twenty-second January, eighteen hundred and fifty-three, in- $$53- ch-Iggcluding two thousand dollars for the salary of the clerk detailed to this ° ‘ x' p' ' special service in the General Land·OlIice, three thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of the keys 0H` the coast of Florida by the Florida Keys. officers of the coast survey, thirty thousand dollars. That all public lands heretofore reserved for military purposes in the Certain reset. State of Florida, which said lands, in the opinion of the Secretary of War, g;°;;;;‘g6€;‘f3` are no longer useful or desired for such purposes, or so much thereof as said Secretary may designate, shall be and are hereby placed under the 1858 cb 156 control of the General Land-Otlice, to be disposed of and sold in the t 6_ ’ ’ same manner and under the same regulations as other public lands of Pvrf, p- 386- the United States: Provided, that said lands shall not be so placed under the control of said General Land-Oiiice until said opinion of the Secretary of War, giving his consent, communicated to the Secretary of Interior in writing, shall be filed and recorded. For continuing the survey of the islands off the coast of California by the officers of the coast survey, forty thousand dollars. For surveying the public lands and private land claims in California, including omce expenses incident to the survey of claims, and to be disbursed at the rates prescribed by law for the different kinds of work, fifty thousand dollars. For continuing the survey- of the base, meridian, correction parallels, township and section lines in the Territory of Utah, fifty thousand dollars. For continuing the survey of base, meridian, standard parallels, town-_ ship and section lines in New Mexico, thirty thousand dollars. For defraying the expenses of running the boundary line between Bwndary bethe State of Texas and the Territory of New Mexico, ten thousand §;°‘$'}g°°;€";‘:_°nd dollars. For the support, clothing, and medical treatment of the insane of the _Insim¤i¤ Dis- District of Columbia, and of the army and navy at the asylum in said :3;* °f C°1“m‘ District, including five hundred dollars for books and incidental ex- ° penses, twenty thousand Eve hundred dollars. For the erection of a barn and carpenters shop at the Insane Asy- lum of the District of Columbia, seven thousand two hundred dollars.