Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/335

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THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1858. 315 of hemp for the navy, two million eight hundred and fifty thousand dollars: Fuel Md MMP- Provided, That there shall not be purchased any larger quantity of hemp _ of foreign growth for the use of the navy than shall be required to meet t F<>¤*¤%¤ h°mP . . . . o be bought only the deficiency in the supply of the American article, as reported to the wh,,,, Supply of Navy Department, from quarter to quarter, by the agents appointed to American fails; procure the article of American growth: Provided further, That hemp {f8·”;’Qf;{;_;';d°’g'Q of American growth of like quality, can be purchased at the same price Sams price, as hemp of foreign growth. For ordnance and ordnance stores and small arms, including incidental OYd¤¤¤<=¤· expenses, five hundred and ninety-eight thousand dollars. For contingent expenses that may accrue for the following purposes, Contingent exviz: freight and transportation, printing and stationery, advertising in P°“"S· newspapers, books, maps, models, and drawings, purchase and repair of fire-engines and machinery, repairs of, and attending to, steam-engines in navy yards, purchase and maintenance of horses and oxen, and drawing teams, carts, timber wheels, and the purchase and repairs of workmen’s tools, postage of public letters, fuel, oil, and candles for navy yards and shore stations, pay of watchmen and incidental labor, not chargeable to any other appropriation, transportation to, and labor attending the delivery of provisions and stores on foreign stations, wharfage, dockage, and rent, travelling expenses of officers and others under orders, funeral expenses, store and office rent, stationery, fuel, commissions and pay of clerks to navy agents and storekeepers, flags, awnings, and packing boxes, premiums and other expenses of recruiting, apprehending deserters, per diem pay to persons attending courts martial and courts of inquiry, and other services authorized by law, pay to judges advocate, pilotage and towage of vessels, and assistance to vessels in distress, bills of health, and quarantine expenses of vessels of the United States navy in foreign ports, eight hundred and ninety-seven thousand six hundred dollars: Provided, That the expendi- Each bureau tures under the foregoing appropriations shall be so accounted for as to g°u;;‘;;;l; dis' show the disbursements by each bureau, under each respective appropri- ' ation. Marine Oo2jas.—For pay of the officers, non-commissioned officers, mu- Marine corps. sicians, and privates, clerks, messengers, stewards, and servants, for rations and clothing for servants, subsistence and additional rations for Eve years’ service of officers, for undrawn clothing and rations, bounties for reenlistments, and pay for unexpired terms of previous service, three hundred and Pay. ninety-five thousand five hundred and seventy-eight dollars and twenty- six cents. For provisions for marines serving on shore, sixty-four thousand three Provisionshundred and thirteen dollars. For clothing, sixty-six thousand five hundred and twelve dollars. Clothing- For fuel, twenty thousand seven hundred and fifty-six dollars and Fuel. seventy-five cents. For military stores, viz: repair of arms, pay of a.rmorers, purchase of Military stores. accoutrements, ordnance stores, flags, drums, iifes, and other instruments, and one thousand rifled muskets, twenty-five thousand dollars. For transportation of officers and troops, and expenses of recruiting, Transportation. twelve thousand dollars. For repairs of barracks and rent of offices where there are no public Repairs. buildings for that purpose, eight thousand dollars. 'l`0 pay the contractors for building cisterns, erecting porticos to commandant’s house, and ofIicers’ quarters, to complete porticos on the men’s quarters, pavements and curb to commandant’s house and officers’ quarters of the marine barracks at Pensacola, Florida, (so as fully to complete said marine garrison,) sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars. For contingencies, viz: freight, ferriage, toll, cartage, and wharfage, Contingencies. compensation to judges advocate, per diem for attending courts martial, courts of inquiry, and for constant labor, house rent in lieu of quarters,