Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/450

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430 THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 82. 1859. next adjoining lot west, known as the Bailey lot, a sum not exceeding eighty-six thousand dollars, and for the construction of a building on the said Levy and Bailey lots, suitable for a post-office and court-house, a sum not exceeding the remainder of the money not disposed of as above provided. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury, the Postmaster-General, and the Attorney-General to execute the two foregoing Proviso. sections of this act: Provided, That the whole amount to be expended in the construction of said building, shall not exceed the balance of the amount received from the sale of the said lots and the balance of the apro riation. Authority to P Sihc. 5. And be it further enacted, That the power to issue and reissue E;‘;u”;¤d Ye;?;; treasury notes, conferred on the President of the United States, by the ,,,,00,. 5;,0, 1858, act entitled "An act to authorize the issue of treasury n0tes," approved psigé, pxigggcd the twenty-third December, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, be, and the Y ¤ ‘ same hereby IS, revived and .eontmued m force from the passage of this Ang, p_ 25; act until the first day of July eighteen hundred and sixty; and to defray OEEXPCHSGS there- the exépenges tlgaigortbihe plum fiv: th0usa}pd·dollgr; is lierebyrappro- ' · _ priate : rom e , at the said no es may e issue caring an interest Provlso not exceeding six per centum per annum; and that it shall not be necessary, as directed by the original act, aforesaid, after advertisement to exchange them for speeie to the bidder or bidders who shall agree to make such exchange at the lowest rate of interest upon said notes; and that in all other respects the reissue of said treasury notes shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the act aforesaid. _Coup0n or reg- Sec. 6. And be ttfurther enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury

';’;°%€ is hereby authorized, under the act of June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and

1g5g_ 6h_ ]_65_· fifty-eight, to issue coupon or registered stock, as the purchaser may elect. f{,'g;£_g,,,i‘;5· _ Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the post-ofice in Boston, Mas- ,,0,,0,, ,,0, ,0 Q3 sachusetts, shall not be removed from its present location, until after the removed until, next session of Congress, provided the remonstrants against its removal &°‘ ,,mv,s0_ wpll indemmfytthp govezpgmenp from any additional expense growing out o any con rac s or ano er S1 e. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That such officers as were placed upon the "furlough 1ist," by the action of the said Naval Retiring Board, Pay of navy and who have been subsequently transferred to the " leave list," shall be °m°*’{S 91* “ f“" allowed " leave pay " for and durin¤ the time they were on the furlourrh l°°ghihlimmli list as aforesaid deductinv the furlaou h a which the * received durifiv geéred to leave said time s ¤ g P Y 5 ¤ Seo. 9. And be tt urtlter enacted, That in case of the death of an Representatives officer after his restoradon or transfer as aforesaid, his legal represent; ggrdijtggfg f,?;` tives shall be entitled to receive the amount which said officer would have pay. received, under this act up to the time of his death. Superintendent Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That in default of any contractor Pf P“l’ll°,P”l“*‘ under the act approved August twenty-sixth, ei¤hteen hundred and fifty- mg, on de ault of t Y . “ » . . *3 . _ _. . Colltracflor to wo, entitled An act to provide for executing the public printing and

\PPg,P§i;9;‘, f establishing the prices therefor, and for other ,purposes," to comply with

prgosalsf °" his contract in furnishing the paper for the public printing in proper time ,852, 0,,_ 9, and of suitable quality, the superintendent of the public printing 1S VOL X_ p_ Bq_ hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals, for such time, 3E1d11n sup};-glpces, ag he mayhdeem eglpedient, andkaward tlgle epntract to e owes 1 er, an to pure ase in e open mar et upon ie est practicable terms, all the paper that may be required for the public printing Increase of until a new contract is made; and any increase of cost to the government gggztgdbfo ms, in procuring a supply of paper, the contractor in default and his securities 00mi,0t0,_ shall be charged with and heldresponsible for the same, and shall be prosecuted upon their bond, in the name of the United States in the circuit court of the United States. And all acts or parts of acts inconsistent Repeal. with this section be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That in all eases where, by the