Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/54

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3.; THIBTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 86. 1856. Oath to be Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That each of the said commissidn. ¤¤k¤¤_ by md ers, before he enters upon the execution of his office, and wnhm mz °°m""“‘°°°”‘ teen days after notification of his appomtment Iby the said levy wm, shall take and subscribe an oath before some Justice of the peace of the said county, in the form following, that is to say: I, --·, do solemnly and sincerely promise and swear, (or adirm, as the case may be,) that I will in all things, to the(pest of my knowledge and pbnhty, well alndlmily execute the trust re ose in me as commissioner o primary sc oo s or the county, withoutpfavor or partialityg and every justice of the peace before whom such oath shall be taken, shall, without fee or reward, certify the same in writing, and, within eight days thereafter, transmit or deliver said certificate to the clerk of the levy court for record. County to be Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the dl;ld‘jdd.i"°?t commissioners of primary schools, or a majority of them, to divide the so O0 mm S` county into seven suitable and convenient school districts, two of which shall be located west of Rock Creek; three between Rock Creek and the Eastern Branch, and two east and south of the Eastern Branch, and May be al- to alter and regulate the same as hereinafter provided. And it shall be

  • ’°*’°d ****1 ’°K“‘ the further duty of the commissioners of primary schools aforesaid,

mm' immediately after the formation or alteration o£ any such school districts Descriptivn in said county, to describe and number the same, and deliver the descrip. ggieazggzér t° tion and number thereof, in writing, to the clerk of the levy court, who is hereby required to receive and record the same in the records of that Farms not to court without fee or reward; and Provided, That in laying off said school b° *}****5***** m districts, or in altering the same, no tracts, or parts of tracts, of land

fi'£?.?§ts_ lying contiguous and forming one farm, shall he divided so that portions

of the same property shall be included in two separate districts. 1 mn ‘ . . n ·( ¤¤`?·im' ’ atgfini c£¤§0°€tZ”S{Z2Z’fTi¤§?£?é?’wlfia§ T}l’§wS?2fl¤§’§T£“éiF$$“§JF,E‘§`ZL Prcviw ment and the more general convenience of the people: Provided, however, That unless the trustees of the districts so to be altered or changed shall assent thereto, no such alteration or change shall be made. County cpl- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the ftgzfmmofnggfi county collector to notify the cliiferent officers to he appointed, in virtue ,pP0;mm,,,,t_ of the provisions of this act, of their appointments, within ten days after hi; havilng receiveg ngice of such appointments {'pom the appointing power, w ose uty it sha to give such notice to the county collector aforesaid. Meetmgs or Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall ¥°mmi¤$i<>¤°¤· hold two stated meetings in each year, which meetings shall be held at such place and at such times as shall be determined on by said commissioners, and of which they shall give public notice in each of said school districts, and such other meetings as circumstances may from time to time require; but if less than three members attend any meeting, nobusiness spall be transacted thereat, except that of adjourning to some time M ace, to *bc ed on b the commissioners resent· and at all °l`1'°¤·¤\¤¤¥¤¤moetili1gs of said mmsioneg, the treasurer of thepschoolifund of the mud' county, hereinafter to be appointed, shall attend and lay before them his hooks and accounts for their inspection and examination. name to bq - Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the said commissioners shall k°P*· cause to be kept a regular record of all their acts and proceedings in a book to be kept for that purpose, and said record, or a copy thereof, certified to be correct under the hands and seals of a majority of said board of commissioners, shall be considered evidence of their acts and proceedcl k` ings in all judicial proceedings. And the board of commissioners afore- °' said shall have power to appoint a clerk, prescribe his duties, and pay him a salary, and also to allow the treasurer of the school fund, hereinafter to be appointed, an annual compensation for his services out of the general school fund, hereinafter to be provided : Provided, That neither