Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/595

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PRIVATE ACTS OF THE THIRTY-FIFTH CONGRESS or mn UNITED STATES, Passed at the second session, which was begun and holden at the City of Wosfzington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, the sixth dag of December, 1858, and ended Thursday, the third dag of March, 1859. James Buousnm, President. Jouu C. Banoxmmnca, Vice Presi— dent, and President of the Senate. Bnmamm Frrzrxrnrcx was appointed President of the Senate, pro tempore, January 24, 1859, and so acted until February 10, 1859. Jsmns L. Ona, Speaker of the House of Representatives. c .II.——A Aa meager men · mt La d w r N ber Tzu - D¤¤-21,185% uAThousand Hundredldhd Fmgsfslg:7 (;b,9(%,) ifsued ldyzbn Ddbnis, as validlfve Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Assignment of States ¢y"America in Congress assembled That the assignment upon land Qt;?;:' warrant number thirtydive thousand nine hundred and fifty-six, (35,956,) ogumd, issued to John Davis, under the act of September twenty-eight, eighteen 1850, eh_ 8s_ hundred and fifty, for forty acres, be,_ and is hereby recognized, as valid. Vol. ix. p. mo. Approved, December 21, 1858. CHAP. III.-An Act for the Relief of John Gzmpbell. Dec. 21, 1858; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the pension of four dollars GP°¤¤é<£1*°fJ;€¤ per month given to John Campbell by special act of Congress be increased mag, {,,,,2 De: to eight dollars per month, the increase commencing on the third day of a, 1855. December Anno Domini eighteen hundred and fifty-five, and that the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and required so to place the name of John Campbell upon the invalid pension roll. Approved, December 21, 1858. CHAP. IV.—An Act for the Relief o)"dRosw:g Minard, Father of Theodore Zlhinard, DM- 21, 1858- eceas . ' Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of the General Land-Oitlice shall issue to Roswell Minard, the father of Theo- _L=*¤dt:*¤§‘¤¤¢*¤ dore Minard, deceased, a warrant for one hundred and sixty acres of land, i223m_ °sw°u in lieu of bounty-land warrant number thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-four, heretofore issued to Theodore Minard, deceased, which warrant, when so issued, shall be in all respects of the same eifect as the said warrant number thirty-four thousand seven hundred and fifty-four would have been had it been issued to said Roswell Minard: Provided, Proviso. however, That the said Commissioner of the General Land-Oflice shall be satisfied that said Roswell Minard is the father of the said Theodore