Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/61

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THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 86. 1856. 41 the proprietor of such field, orchard, garden, or dwelling, as the case may be. Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That if any treasurer or collector, Coueetiou or having any school funds in his hands, or neglecting or refusing to obtain £“l_gg;g'?";;1{;';i: such funds as by law authorized and directed, shall refuse to pay for two Om, weeks any order of the said commissioners or trustees, or a majority of either, drawn in conformity to the requisitions of this act, such treasurer or collector shall be liable, on proof thereof before any court of justice or justice of the peace having eognizance, and without stay of execution, to pay the full amount of said order and interest thereon at the rate of twenty per cent. per annum from the first refusal until the day of pay- ment, by way of damages. Sisc. 30. And be it further enacted, That if any collector, appointed or Remedy when acting under the provisions of this act, shall in any case collect more than I‘;’£_;°t°§;sg§fl? is due, the person aggrieved shall have his remedy against such collector ~ ° by suit or warrant, and if he recover he shall have judgment for double the amount improperly and unjustly extorted from him, and costs. S20. 31. And be it further enacted, That the levy court of Washington of %£m‘;°;$1 county shall exercise a general supervision over the proceedings of said county to have commissioners, may examine their books and papers, and shall prosecute S“P°¤"i°i¤S for any delinquencies or violations of their duty; and the said commis- Eg;?;;;;; °°m° sioners shall exercise the same power over the proceedings, books, and papers of the trustees in the several school districts, and shall prosecute for all violations of this act by them committed. Sec. 32. And be it further enacted, That the trustees of the several Diwgelisuw school districts shall have the power of exercising discipline in their re- gézgifschooi spective schools, by the expulsion of the refractory pupil, or such other punishment as may be necessary to correct the evil, and carry out the great ends of education, moral and intellectual; and they may permit School-houses any of the said school-houses to be used for public worship. $gu:°w‘f;?j;°' S20. 33. And be it fur!/wr enacted, That any resident in said county gmggm may shall be privileged to place his or her child or ward at any one of the ¤°¤d ¤tl}igf°¤ *0 schools in said county she or he may think proper to select: Provided, :3055 ° There shall have been a school established and actually in operation in Proviso. the district in which such persons so to be privileged shall reside, and that all the provisions of this act shall have been substantially complied with by said district. Sec. 34. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for a No mcmbarof member of the levy court of said county to be a commissioner of primary the levy cqmjt to schools or trustee of any of the school districts, nor for any person to be gfgrzfgéfffj at the same time commissioner and trustee as aforesaid. norgcmon affioid Sec. 35. And be it further enacted, That this act be, and the same is 2** ***0* Of- hereby declared public and remedial, and shall be construed by all courts °»i·§;i, act to be _ of justice according to the equity thereof, and no proceedings of the in- construed remehabitants or of the trustees of any school district, or of the commissioners d‘““Y· of primary schools, or of any other omcer created, under the provisions of this act, shall be set aside or adjudged to be void for defect of form or for any irregularity therein, so as the requisitions of the said act are substantially complied with. Sec. 36. And be itj·i4r¢her enacted, That so soon as the commissioners Written report shall have laid out the school districts, as provided for in the third section g;3:1sm°;°kS‘l';‘; of this act, they shall make a written report to the levy court, defining mamma. the metes and bounds of said districts, and it shall be the duty of said levy court, within two months after the tiling of said report, to designate a day and appoint a place, within each of said districts, for the people of that Each district district to assemble and determine by ballot whether they will for them- 3gp;':; at'; selves accept this act. The court aforesaid shall appoint three taxable inhabitants in each district to superintend the voting, who shall open a poll at nine o’c1ock, A. M. and keep it open till five, 1>. 11. The qualiv0L. xr. Pun.-6 `