Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/622

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578 TREATY WITH THE STOCKBRIDGES AND MUNSEES. SEPT. 3, 1839 shall be distributed among the heads of families according to the schedule hereunto annexed, the whole amount to be paid to the emigrating party, under this and the preceding article being the sum of twelve thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars and five cents. Payment of ARTICLE IV. The balance of the consideration money for the lands b°l°"°°· hereby ceded, (after deducting the sums mentioned in the second and . third Articles;) amounting to the sum of ten thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars and ninety-five cents, is to be paid to, and invested for the benefit of} such of the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes of Indians (numbering three hundred and forty-two souls) as remain at their present place of residence at Stockbridge on the east side of W'1nnebago Lake, as follows: Mode of pay- Six thousand dollars of said sum to be invested by the United States ’“°”t* in public stocks at an interest of not less than five per cent. per annum as a permanent school fund; the interest of which shall be paid annually to the sachem and counsellors of their tribes, or such other person as they may appoint to receive the same, whose receipt shall be a sufficient voucher therefor; and the balance thereof amounting to four thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars and ninety-five cents, shall be paid to the said sachem and counsellors, or to such person as they may appoint to receive the same, whose receipt shall be a. sufficient voucher therefor. To be paid in ARTICLE V. The moneys herein secured to be paid by the United °“° Y°’·"· States to the Stockbridge and Munsee tribes, amounting in all to twenty- three thousand and forty dollars, are to be paid in manner aforesaid, in one year from the date hereof, or sooner if practicable. _United States ARTICLE VI. It is agreed that an exploring party, not exceeding three gmgvgfwg? in number, may visit the country west, if the Indians shall consider it necessary, and that whenever those who are desirous of emigrating shall signify their wish to that eifect, the United States will defray the expenses of their removal west of the Mississippi, and furnish them with subsistence for one year after their arrival at their new homes. The expenses of the exploring party to be borne by the emigrants. Agent of U. S. ARTICLE VII. Whereas there are certain unliquidated claims and [‘;;;2;;*;f];°;g§'f accounts existing between the emigrating party and those who remain grunts and time where they now arc, which it is now impossible to liquidate and adjust; who *°m¤i¤· it is hereby agreed that the same shall be submitted to the agent of the United States who shall be appointed to make the payments under this treaty, and that his decision shall be final thereon. Signature. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands and seals this third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-nine. ALBERT GALLUP, [L. s.] Oommissiemer on the art of the United States. AUSTIN E. QUINN EY, Sac/ibm. [L. s.] THOMAS T. HENDRICK, [L. s. JOHN METOXEN, [L. s. JACOB CHICKS, [L. s. ROBERT KONKAPOT, his x mark. [L. s. CAPT. PORTER, Munsee Ohiej his x mark. [L. s. JAMES RAIN, Mumee War 676% his x mark. [L. s.] Srocxamncns. TIMOTHY JOURDAN, [L. s. BENJ. PALMER, his x mark. [L. s. JOHN N. CHICKS, [L. s.] JOHN W. QUINNEY, [L. s. JOHN P. QUINN EY, [L. s. JOHN W. NEVVCOMB, [L. s.