Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/845

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INDEX TO VOLUME XI. A. AH 41 C moz non 2 s e- vom , Academy, Military. Soo Militmy Academy. of lieutfnant-general, number ot] . . . 205 —--, Naval. Soo Naval Academy. Ailcock, John, Acapulco, claim of§ to be settled, 502 salary of consul at . ... 54 Aix he Chapelle, Accardi, Salvador, salary of consul at, 53 pension of ... 484 Alabama, Accounts, grants of lands to, for construction of in the navy to be so kept that each bureau railroads, ..,. 15, 16, 17, l97, 200 will show its own disbursements, 45, 244, construction of former gram. to, as to 315, 405 name of railroad, ... . .. 200 of marshals, district attorneys, clerks of post-roads in, 122, 232, 337 courts, and commissioners to be corti- provision respecting district federal courts fied by district judge, ... 49 in, ... 376 appeal from accounting officcr, .. . 49 if district judge disabled, judge of wiih Mississippi 8Y\(l0£i1C1‘SfoI€S for land, supreme court for fifnh circuit to soulcmcm of, .. 200 hold coun, . ... 376 of dishursing officcrs in quurtcr1no.stcr’s district judge or marshal to notify depnrtmcnr, Lo be settled by tho third him, .,,... 376 auditor, .. . 201 circuit judge may hold regular or of I. D. Andrews to be sctilcd, . 327 spccial terms, .. 376 two to be opened for stocks held in trust. power at special, same as at for the Potmwntomics, . . 397 regular, term, . . 876 Adams, Isaac, act to be in force until March 4, 1861, 376 extension of patents ofQ ... 462, 463 transfer by State of, xo Mobile and Ohio ———-, James B., Railroad Company, confirmed, ... 384 dai? pf, to be audited and paid, ... 502 staputodliabiliry of State not ro- -—--—-, 0 11, case , 385 purchase of ‘* Life und W0rks " of, . 241 Albany, The, Adjulanl—Geueral, time when sho is to be reckoned as being appropriations for office of} lil, 149, 213, 416, lost, fixed, .. . ..,... 29 417 payment :0 relatives of those lost in, 29 Agents, Commercial. Sec Commercial Agents. Albury, ( W.) ——-, Consular. Sou Consular Agents. privilege of reéxpormtion extended t0. -—-—-—, Lulian. Scc [indian Agents. Appendix, N0. 39, .. 789 Agriqulmral Congress, Allrrilton, Richard, expenses oi', convened by the Sccmtary authorized to locate certain land, .. 456, 457 of rho Interior, not to be paid, ... 427 Alcatraz Island, (Ca!.) _ Ayricullurul Statistics, appropriations For fort nt, . 121, 191, 435 appropriations for coiicction 0}, 14, B9, 226, Alexander, Riolzurrl B., 321. 427 puymcnc to, for horse and mule lost, 542 report of purchases to be made to Con- Alauuzdria, (iiqypt,) gross, . 89 salary of consul-gcnerzii at, .. .. 58 smrcmonb of expense of procuring, to be Al/en, Albert G, made at each session of Congress,. . . 321 allowed percentage on. disbursements, .. . 550 Sec Seeds and Cuttings. —-—, William, Agriculture, life-pension Lo, . . . 534 advisory board of, convened by the Soc- Allis, Samuel, rotary of tho Imcrior, expenses of, not paymonc to, for services, . . . 332 to be paid, . . . . 427 Almanac, American ZVautica[, appropriations for promoting, 14,89, 226, 321, appropriations for,. . .. ... . 48, 247, 318 427 supervision of, . . . . . . . . 246 v01.. XI. INDEX-—-104