Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/868

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324 INDEX. use _ _ nor Creeks, (continued.) Gnme, (continued.) _ _ _ _ lands, and all claims against United forging, counterfeiting, &c., military States, except, &c., ... 700 bounty land warrants, &c., . . 381 payment to the Creeks for said cession See Military Bounty Land Warrants. and release of $1,000,000, . 701 unlawful cutting or wanton destruction $200,000 to be invested, . 701 of timber on reserved lands of the $400,000 to be paid per capita, . . . 701 United States, . 408 $10,000 for arrears under act of defacing or injuring pipes, hydrants, &c., 1837, ch. 41, . 701 of Potomac waterworks, or making $120,000 for Creeks who emigrated the water impure, .. 436, 437 before 1832, . . 701 See Waterworks. $70,000 for individual claims, 701 punishable by imprisonment and hard $200,000 to be retained till the labor, sentence for of persons convicted Seminoles remove, and then paid of in States where there is more than or invested, ... . .. 702 one judicial district, . . . .. 2 educational, &c., funds, to be paid treas- Criminal Costs, in Distrrbt of Columbia, urer, . . . . . . . . 702 United States liable to justices and conrelease of Seminole claims, .. 702 stables only in cases of felony, ... 50 payment for such release, 702 fees to be paid by marshal of district 50 United States to remove Seminoles who to be approved by judge of criminal will emigrate, and give them certain court, &c., .. . . . 50 supplies, . . ... 703 Criminal Law, Seminoles west to send a delegation to of United States extended to guano is- Florida, . 703 lands, 'discovered by citizens, .. 120 payment to certain Indians, .. 703 when a State forms two districts, sen— agency for Seminoles, .. . 703 tences may be to Penitentiary in either, 2 rights of Creeks and Seminoles in each Criminal Ojences, other’s countries, . 703 treatyprovisions respecting trials ot, extradition of criminals between said See Persia, Siam. Indian countries, . 703 Criminals, between them and the United States extradition of. See Extraditzbn of Criminals. or the States, .i.. 704 Orittenden, N E., government of Creeks and Seminoles, 703, account of to be audited and paid, .. 549 704 Crown, Thomas, traders to pay for use of land and tim· payment to, . 512 ber,. 704 Cuba, protection of said Creeks and Semi- proclamation respecting apprehended k1- noles, .. . 704 vasion of. Proclamation, No. 37, 787 right to establish posts, roads, and agen- Cullen, W J, cies, reserved to the United States,. . 704 reinhursement oil . 330 regulations respecting the same,. . 704 Uulvert, right of way for railroads and tele- across Tiber Creek, appropriation for,. . . 89 graphs, . . 704 Cumberland, The Brig, survey of boundaries, ... 705 to be enrolled and licensed for coasting amnesty declared, .. 705· trade on the great lakes, &c., 556 allowance to delegations, . . . 705 Cumberland Road, Seminoles may set a tract apart for in Illinois, surrendered to that State, 7 Florida Seminoles, ... . 705 Cunningham, E A., Creek laws, force of, in Seminole conn- allowance in accounts oi ... . . . 473 try, ... . . 705 Cureton, Smith, and Hezpizer, Representatives qi this treaty to supersede former incon- payment to, for tit e of, to land, . .. . . 538 sistent ones, . , ... 705 Cushman, Robert W, when to take effect, . . . . . 705 payment to as acting purser, ... 542 amendments of Senate, 706, 707 Customs, Commissioner of, see Commissioner. assent of the Indians to the amend- Customs. Collector of, see Collector. ments, ...,.. 707 Customlmuses, ratification, &c., .. .. . 707 annual repairs of, . 86, 221, 323, 425 Crime, appropriations for constructing at, appropriations for expense of prosecution Bangor, . 84 of, ,.. 116, 219, 307, 420 Barnstable, .. 84 punishment of in certain guano islands,. 120 Bath, ... 227, 241 certain things to constitute manslaugh- Belfast, ... J. 222, 227 ter, ... . . . . 250 Bristol, . . . . . . 318 perjury in oaths used in land-onices, pun- Buffalo, 142, 226 ishment, . . .. 250 Cairo, ,. . 226 persons examined as to, as witnesses be- Charleston, .. 85, 221, 318, 425 fore Congress, &c., not ro be held for,. 156 Chicago, . 85, 226 mutilation, &c., of public archives in Cal- Cincinnati, . .. 84, 227 ifornia, . . .. 290 Cleveland, . . . 143 forgery, &c., of treasury; notes, . 259 Detroit, ... . ... 86, 425 See Treasury oteis. Dubuque, 93, 226 fraud in land titles in California, ... 290 Ellsworth, .. 145, 221, 318 • See Oalifornia. Galena, ... . . . , . . . 93, 318