Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/88

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68 THIRTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 128. 1856. For second of twenty instalments of 9.Il¤l1it_Y in molwy, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twenty thousand dollars. _ _ Pi11ager,&c· Pillager and Lake lWnnibig0shtsh Bands.-For second of thirty instalb‘§;-';]f‘x_ P_ u65_ ments of annuity in money, per third article treaty twentysecond Feb;-u- ary, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, ten thousand six hundred and sixty- six dollars and sixty-six cents. For second of thirty instahnents of annuity in goods, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, eight thousand dollars. For second of thirty instalments for purposes of utility, per third rm;- cle treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For second of twenty instalments for purposes of education, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty-Eve, three thousand dollars. For second of five annual instalments For the purchase of powder, shot, lead, twine, and tobacco, per third article treaty twenty-seeond February, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, six hundred dollars. For second of five annual instalments for the hire of six laborers, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen hundred and fifty- five, two thousand four hundred dollars. For second of fifteen annual instalments for support of two smiths and smiths’ shops, per third article treaty twenty-second February, eighteen _ hundred and fifty-tive, two thousa11d·0ne hundred and twenty dollars. Ghrppcws. Okgppgwag of Qnqanaw, Swan Cree/: and Black Rz'ver.———F or first of &c. . . . . Post, p. 634. five equal annual instalments for educational purposes, under the direction of the President, per second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For first of five equal annual instalments for agricultural implements and carpenters tools, household furniture, and building materials, cattle, labor, and necessary useful articles, per second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, five thousand dollars. For tirst of ten equal annual instalments in coin, to be distributed per capita, in the usual manner of paying annuities, per second article of tgedtigcaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, ten thousan dollars. For first instalment for the support of one blacksmith shop, for ten years, per second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fittydive, twelve hundred and forty dollars. For building a grist and saw mill, purchase of necessary fixtures and machinery, construction of dam, race, and other appurtenances, per second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-tive, eight thousand dollars. For purchasing a saw-mill, and repairs and fixtures to be erected and located, in pursuance of the first amendment of the Senate to the second article of the treaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, four thousand dollars. For payment of the present just indebtedness of said Indians, in pursuance of the second amendment of the Seuatemo the second article of the geaty of second August, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, twenty thousand 0 ars. Uh¤¤l¤\S¤·W¤· Ohickasaws.—For permanent annuity in goods, per act of twenty-fifth \l7?9._ch. 11.8 February, seventeen hundred and ninety-ninc, three thousand dollars. ° ‘ " p' 61 ‘ l For payment to the Chickasaws in full consideration for their interest Post, p. 613. in the lease provided for in the ninth article of the treaty of twexity-sew ond June, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, in conformity with the provisions of the tenth article ot: said treaty, two hundred thousand dollam. For expenses of commissionem who signed the treaty on the part of