Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/886

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842 INDEX. non _ nun Lands, Public, (continued.) Lands, Public, (continued.) _ laws as to survey and disposal of in Gagnon, Pierre, .. :>32 Oregon and Washington territories, Gantt, Ben]. R., .. 505 wes: of the Cascade mountains, ex- Godfroy, Jacques,. 503 tended to lands therein east of said Gordon, George M., . .. 538 mountains, . 293 Hcifner, Curcron, und Smith, repreconditions respecting, to be proposed to tives of,. .. 538 Oregon, . . . : . . . 383, 384 I-Iemkin, Bernard, . . . 477 appropriations for surveys 0L .. 426, 427 Hooe, Emilie R., . 5l3 surveyors-general, &c., 415, 416 Horner, L. Jane, . . 452 in California, appropriation for special Hucrms, John, ... 564 and extraordinary expenses, . 420 Hugill. Edmund, . . .. 538 settlers upon sections sixteen and thirty- Irish, Joseph, 510 six may preempt their settlements Kentucky Asylum, .. .. 496 made before survey and with a view King, Bayliss, 523, 524 to preemption, . . 385 ——-, Christian, . 523, 524 other lands may be appropriated -—-, Elijah, ... 523, 524 therefor in lieu thereof, and for -——-, Thomas, . 528, 524. deficiencies in fractional sections,. 385 La Fontc, Bcnj., . 460 mode of selection and appropria- Landry, Olivier, .. 559 tions, . 385 Lanfear, Ambrose,. ... 47 3 part of a certain section thirty-six in Laravie, Louis, . . . 460 Sarpy County, Nebraska territory, 385 Lawrence, Jaunes, representatives or", 528 purchaser, or assigns, to be repaid pur- Layman, Martin, . 556 clmsc-money for land erroneously Lindsay, James, .. 483 sold, .. 387, 388 Livingston, R. D., ,. . . 455 proof of error to be made to the Secre- Loisel, Regis, represcntntives of, 531 tary of che Interior, . . ... 387 Loughry, Col. Archibald, child ol'.. . 542 if purchase-money invested in stocks, Lucas, Charles, ... 490 &c., they may be sold, ... 388 Malines, Marie, (born Rillicux,). 533 and repayment: be made, .. 388 McBrier, Elizabeth, ... 542 amendment of act; of 1825, ch. 5, .. . 387 McCabe, E. H., .. 495 • certain, to be withdrawn from sale for the McDonough, John, represcntativcs benefit: of the Otcowas and Chippewas of, . . ..,.. 545 of Michigan, ... ... 621, 622 McIntyre, James,. . . . 538 grant of, to Stockbridges and Munsees,. . 664, Millaudon, Laurent, .. . 537 665 Millent, Martin, .. 496 proclamazions orderin persons to remove Minard, Roswell, . 555 from. Appendix, iroclamations, Nos. Minnesota, ... 460 18, 24, 25, . 765, 770 Minnesota, schools in, .. . .. 510 Sec Land Claims, Land Districts, Land Mitchell, Robert, . 460 Offices. Dmd Surveys. School Lands. Moro, M. G., . 482 provisions respecting, in favor oi, Nebraska territor , schools in, .. 56l Albritton, Richard, . ... 456, 457 Newington, Carolyinc, ... . .. 453 Altzenburg, William, .. 460 Piseros, Cephise, . 455 Ascension Parish, (Ln.), . . . 517 Redd, John T., ... 490 Baldwin, Bartholomew, ... 510 Reggio, Louis, . .. 483 Bnlnzell, George F., ... .. ... 505 Rillioux, Maria, .. 533 Body, Isaac, . 539, 571 Bing, Anna, M. E, .. . 534 Bowden, Rebecca M., ... . . 562 -—-, Cordelia, E., . . 534 Bron, Mrs. Ambroisc, . 559 ——--, David A., 534 Broussard, Pierre, heirs of, . 531 -——, Louisa M., . .. 534 Brouzin, Magdalene, .. . . 478 Roan, James P., . 505 Bryan, Jeremiah, . 491 Rose, John B., .. ; 524 Cerre, Pascal L , .. . . 488 Rowe, George, ... 505 Collier, Eliza S.. . . 474 Scott, Samuel, ... 454 Crawford, John, .. 448 Scriber, A. H., . . . 474 Cureton, Smith, and Heifner, repre- -——-, Benjamin,.; .. 474 senmtives of, . .. 538 -——-, Marv A.,. 474 Davern, William, . . ... 460 ---—, W. Z}`. C., . .. .. 474 Davis, John, . 555 Sequi, Bernardo, . 562 De Lannoy, Sarah J., . 534 Smith, (Cureton, Smith, and Heiti Delino, Ignacio, .. 480 ner,) ... . . . . . . . . 538 Devidrine, J can Baptiste, represeuta- -——-, Joseph, . . . 466 tives of, ... 544 ——·, William, representatives of, 531 Dick, John, .. . ... 538 Sonlard, Antoine, 495 Dousmnn, Talbot C., . 469 Stafford, Job, 540 Downs, Monroe D., .. . 561 St. Louis, &c., R. R., .. . .. . 452 Duncan, Thomas, 492 Sturgis, William, . . ... 510 Elliott. Jared L., . 486 Temple, Jolm R., 530 Faulk, Hannibal, . 474 Turner, Charlotte,. ... 490 Fenwick, Martin, . 5ll Turvin, William, heirs of, . 543 Fleming, Samuel, . 539, 571 Underwood, Jehu, 568