Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/894

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850 INDEX. ns: nos Murdaw. Navy, (continued.) reward for arrest of a. Appendix, Proc- publishing La Plata Exploration and lamation, No. 20,. ... 767 surveys of Behring’s Stmizs expe- Murphy, G. B., ditions, ... . ,... · 45 accounts of, to be audited and settled,. . . 549 pursers’ clerks, . , . 45 Munag, .ksep/z J., marine corps,. . 45, 46 claim of,. 501 for quarters ot,. . . ... 48 —————, Richa?1 J, marine barracks, 45, 46 pension o , ... . . . . 519 navy yards, . . 46, 47, 48 Matty, bhn B., naval hospitals, ... 47 appropriation for, . 325 naval magazines, . 47 naval observatory,. ... 47 nautical instruments, . .,... 47 N maps, charts, surveys, &c., . 47 ' naval academy, ... 48 Naiad Queen, The, nautical almanac, . 48 Dame changed to barque "Jehu,” and Stevens war steamer, . , . . . . 48 register m issue, rm b¤¤i¤ mi miwey M SM FM- Names y" Vessels, cisco, .. 48 Secretary of Treasury authorized to per- coal depot at Key West, ... 48 mit change oi] ... .. . l gas for quarters of marine corps,. . . 48 act repealed, . . ... 375 pay of officers in Behring’s Straits Naming, Expedition. 85 mode o§ steam-vessels of the navy,. 819 general appropriation bill for, for 1857-8, Napier, B. A., in general, ... 243, 244, 246 payment to, ... . .. 470 number of men authorized, 243 Naples, transportation to and from Panama, 243 salary of consul at, ... 53 each bureau to show its disburse- See Zhao Sicilies. ments, ... . . · 2 44 Nash, Betsey, marine corps, . .. . . 244 pension of, ... 516 ordnance and gunnery practice, . 244 -——, John, navy yards, . 244, 245, 246 payment to, .. . . ... . . . 479 hospitals,. . . 245 Nashville, magazines, . .. 245, 246 public buildings at, ... 93 instruments, charts, &c., ... 246 Nassau, observatory and hydrographical ofsalary of consul at, ... 53 lice, . . . . ... 246 Nautical Almanac. See Almanac. naval academy,. . . , .. 246 approlpriations for the . . 48, 246, 318 Thomas Barnum, . . ... 246 Nautiuzl nstrumeuts, Boob, Q1:., almanac, .. . .. 246 appropriation for the purchase 0£. .. 47 supervision of; ... . .. 246 must be of American manufacture, . 47 publications of North Pacific and Navajoes, La Plata expeditions,. . 246, 247 appropriations for the, . . 72, 177, 279 testing inventions, &c., 246 Naval Academy, pay of boatswains, gunners, sailappropriations for the, . 48, 246, 318, 407 makers, and carpenters on shore —; Asylum, duty, .. . .. . . 246 appropriations for the, ... . . 245, 406 live steam-sloops authorized,. . . 246, 247 at Philadelphia, sale of ¥rt of site of,. . 247 how procured, 247 proceeds to go to Naval und, . 247 sale of part of site of naval asylum -;-— .Has·pitals, at Philadelphia, .. .. . 247 appropriations for, . . .. . . . 47 rules for the navy to be prepared ——- Observatory, and reported to Congress, .. . . 247 appropriation for the, .. 47, 246, 317, 407 psy of dropped officers, ... 154, 247 Navigation, exploration of the Paraua and Par- 0f the Sounds and Belts. See Denmark. aguay rivers, ... . . . . 247 Navy, surveys for ship canal near Isthmus ofdcers, marines, and seamen in, during of Darien, . 247 the Revolutionary war, entitled to payment to officers of late Texas bounty land, ... 8 navy, .. . .. . . . . . . 248 on the lakes, arrangement with Great Bri- reexamination of officers dropped, or put tain in 1818, as to. Appendix, Procla- on retired or reserved lists, under act mation, No. 19, 766 of 1855, ch. 127,. ... . ... 153, 154 general appropriation bill for, for 1856- pay of dropped officers, ... 154, 247 57, 44 number of officers in, .. 154 pay,: . . .. 44 promotion of officers on reserved list,. . . 154 provisions, ,. . . . . . . . . . 44 captains in command of squadrons to be vessels, . . . . . . 45 denominated Hag omcers, . . . . l 54 fuel and hemp, ... 45 naval depot at Blythe Island established, 156 ordnance, dsc., and arms, .. . 45 appropriation for department_oiQ.. . . 214, 215 contingencies, 45 general appropriation bill for, for 1858-9, each bureau to show its own dis- in general, . .. . 314-319 bursemeuts, . . . . . . 45 foreign hemp to be bought only