Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 11.djvu/915

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IN DEX. 871 ue: moz Supreme Court, Swass Canfederazzbn, (continued.) appropriations for, . . . 114, 217, 806, 419 consuls and vieeconsuls, 591 for deficiencies, ... . . . . 12 oxoqustur, . 591 Supreme Courts, archives, &c., to be inviolate, .. .. . 591 of the territories, judges of, to fix times each nation to have rights of " the and places of sessions of, 49 most. favored nation," respecting imcourt not to be held in more thnri three ports, exports, and transit of prodplswcs in any territory, . . . .. . . 49 ucts, . . . . . .. .. . 592 judges to adjourn when necessary, .. 50 no discriminating duties, 592 to appoint clerks, . 50 future commercial privileges grunted Surgeon-General, to any nation, to be extended to the appropriations for office ot] lll, 213, 214, other, ... 592 803, 416, 417 origin of products, how established,. . . 592 Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons, regulations ns to commerce, , . 592 additional, in the army, to be appointed, 51 shipwreck, ... . . 593 Surveyors- General and their Clerks, “ most favored nation " clause, ... 593 appropriations for oihco of, . 12, 110, 116, extradition of criminals, 593 212, 213, 240, 268, 302, 415, 416 crimes for which extradition shall be office ot, N. W. of Ohio, to be removed made, ,.. 593 to St. Paul’s, and restricted to State of surrender, how to be made, .. . 594 Minnesota, . . . ...,. 212 payment of expenses, ... 594 Surveyors of Customs, no extradition for pest or political of- at Augusta, (Ga.) .. .. .. . . . 168 fences,. . . . . . ..,.. 594 nt Columbus, Ky.) . . . 7 duration of this convention, .. .. . . 594 at Hannibal, (M0.) . . . 2 at Peoria, (Ill.) .. 2 at Selma, (Ala.) .. 199 T_ pay of, when acting as collectors,. .. 229 Surveys q/Q Tabasco, lam] appropriations fop', _ 27, 86. 37, 88, 20,3, selsry of consul at, 54 223, 224, 321, 426, 427 Tahm, military, ... . .. .. 150, 433 $¤l¤l‘Y of consul all —··· · ·····-··-··· · · · 54 of const. Sec Coast Survey. Talca/mano, of the lakes, ... . .. 150 sale? of consul at,. .. . ... .. 54 of boundaries. See Boundary. Talcott, Jnoch B., 1 Suspension Bridge, (N Y.) payment to, ot amount stolen from him privilege o recxportution extended to, _ while collector,. .,. . .,.. 569 Appendix, Proclamation, N0. 39. . 789 Tuleajérro, Hay T, Suspended Entries and Claims, released as surety of D. M. F. Thornton, 5l8 nots respecting, continued, . 22 -—--, Lawrence, Sutlers, released as surety of D. M. F. Thornton, 518 lien oil on soldiers pay, &e., . . . . 336 Tampico, Swain, Isaac, salary of consul at, 54 payment to, .. 523 T angiers, Swamp Lands, salary oi' consul et,. . . .. . .. 54 selections of, by State, confirmed, .. . 251 Zim-ra-dw rz-wa, ect for relief of purchasers of, continued payment to, ... . . . . ., . 332 and extended, .. 251 nin? of Duties. See Duties, Siam. Suxmton, ( V2.) general act of ,1857, .,. 192 privilege of reexportation extended to, T arvln, Ric/iarrl, alms Richard Furren, Appendix. Proclamation, No. 39, . 789 payment for losses in war, . 549 Swinton, James, (liu, claim of, to be settled, . 502 for schools in Georgetown, (D. C.) . 30 Swiss C'on_/ederatio11, in Wasiiiilgton County, (D. C.) ..., 36 treaty of Nov. 25, 1850, with, .. 587 none to be levied on property of Columrespective citizens to be on at footing of bia’s Library for young men, ..., . 459 equality, . . ... 587 Ziuatwn, liberties granted, .. . . 588 military sites subject to, sfcer sale, .. 203 restriction on said liberties, .. 588 Wusliington cemetery to be forever free liability to taxes, ... 589 from, .. . . . 289 no discriminating tax to be imposed,. . 589 Taylor, Frank. indemnities for damages, .. .. . 589 payment to, . . 470 provisions as to citizens who wish or Iiryan, é7zm·Ies, are compelled to return, ... 589 land title connrmed, ... . .,. 294 passports, &c.-, ... . . . 589 Telegraph, Atlantic. See Atlantic Telegrapli. power to dispose of', and inherit property, 590 T emplc, John R., care of property of deceased persons,. 590 title to lend in Louisiana, confirmed and these provisions, how far applicable to patent to issue, ..,.. . ... 530 real estate, . . . 590 Tender, power to sell reul estate which cannot foreign coins no longer to be a, .. . . . 163 be lielcl by an alien, .. 590 Tennessee, controversies among claimants to at federal courts in, .,.. 1, 23 succession, . .. . ... .. 591 posnroads in, ... 135, 234, 359, 360