Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/1061

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PUBLIC LAW 104-127—APR. 4, 1996 110 STAT. 1037 (A) VACANCIES. —Each order shall provide for notice of board vacancies to the agricultural commodity industry involved. (B) MEETINGS.—Each board shall provide the Secretary with prior notice of meetings of the board to permit the Secretary, or a designated representative of the Secretary, to attend the meetings. (5) TERM OF OFFICE.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The members and any alternates of a board shall each serve for a term of 3 years, except that the members and any alternates initially appointed to a board shall serve for terms of not more than 2, 3, and 4 years, as specified by the order. (B) LIMITATION ON CONSECUTIVE TERMS. —A member or alternate may serve not more than 2 consecutive terms. (C) CONTINUATION OF TERM.— Notwithstanding subparagraph (B), each member or alternate shall continue to serve until a successor is appointed by the Secretary. (D) VACANCIES.— A vacancy arising before the expiration of a term of office of an incumbent member or alternate of a board shall be filled in a manner provided for in the order. (6) COMPENSATION.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Members and any alternates of a board shall serve without compensation. (B) TRAVEL EXPENSES.—If approved by a board, members or alternates shall be reimbursed for reasonable travel expenses, which may include a per diem allowance or actual subsistence incurred while away from their homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for the board. (c) POWERS AND DUTIES OF A BOARD.—Each order shall specify the powers and duties of the board established under the order, which shall include the power and duty— (1) to administer the order in accordance with its terms and conditions and to collect assessments; (2) to develop and recommend to the Secretary for approval such bylaws as may be necessary for the functioning of the board and such rules as may be necessary to administer the order, including activities authorized to be carried out under the order; (3) to meet, organize, and select from among the members of the board a chairperson, other officers, and committees and subcommittees, as the board determines to be appropriate; (4) to employ persons, other than the members, as the board considers necessary to assist the board in carrying out its duties, and to determine the compensation and specify the duties of the persons; (5) subject to subsection (e), to develop and carry out generic promotion, research, and information activities relating to the agricultural commodity covered by the order; (6) to prepare and submit for the approval of the Secretary, before the beginning of each fiscal year, rates of assessment under section 517 and an annual budget of the anticipated expenses to be incurred in the administration of the order, including the probable cost of each promotion, research, and