Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/13

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Xlll PUBLIC LAW DATE 104-244 .... To authorize extension of time limitation for a FERC-is- Oct. 9 sued hydroelectric license. 104-245.... To reinstate the permit for, and extend the deadline under Oct. 9; the Federal Power Act applicable to the construction of, a hydroelectric project m Oregon, and for other purposes. 104—246.... To provide for the extension of a hydroelectric project lo- Oct. 9 cated in the State of West Virginia. 104-247.... To authorize the extension of time limitation for the Oct. 9 FERC-iasued hydroelectric license for the Mt. Hope Waterpower Project. 104—248.... To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to make cer- Oct. 9 tain technical corrections relating to pnysicians' services. 104-249.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act ap- Oct. 9 Slicable to the construction of a hydroelectric project in [entucky, and for other purposes. 104-250.... Animal Drug Availability Act of 1996 Oct. 9 104-251.... Railroad Unemployment Insurance Amendments Act of Oct. 9 1996. 104-252.... To extend the deadline for commencement of construction Oct. 9 of a hydroelectric project in the State of Illinois. 104-253.... To increase the amount authorized to be appropriated to Oct. 9 the Department of the Interior for the Tensas Kiver National Wildlife Refuge, and for other purposes. 104-254.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act ap- Oct. 9 plicable to the construction of certain hydroelectric projects in the State of Pennsylvania. 104-255.... To designate the building located at 8302 FM 327, Elmen- Oct. 9 dorf, Texas, which houses operations of the United States Postal Service, as the "Amos F. Longoria Post Of- fice Building". 104-256.... To extend the deadline under the Federal Power Act ap- Oct. 9 plicable to the construction of 2 hydroelectric projects in North Carolina, and for other purposes. 104-257.... To reinstate the license for, and extend the deadline Oct. 9 under the Federal Power Act applicable to the construction of, a hydroelectric project in Ohio, and for other purposes. 104—258.... To extend the deadline for commencement of construction Oct. 9 of a hydroelectric project in the State of Kentucky. 104—259.... To extend the authorization of the Uranium Mill Tailings Oct. 9 Radiation Control Act of 1978, and for other purposes. 104-260.... To amend the Clean Air Act to provide that traffic signal Oct. 9 synchronization projects are exempt from certain requirements of Environmental Protection Agency Rules. 104-261.... To accept the request of the Prairie Island Indian Com- Oct. 9 munity to revoke their charter of incorporation issued under the Indian Reorganization Act. 104-262.... Veterans' Health Care Eligibility Reform Act of 1996 Oct. 9 104-263.... Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of Oct. 9 1996. 104-264.... Federal Aviation Reauthorization Act of 1996 Oct. 9 104-265.... Walhalla National Fish Hatchery Conveyance Act Oct. 9 104-266.... Reclamation Recycling and Water Conservation Act of Oct. 9 1996. 104-267.... To waive temporarily the Medicaid enrollment composi- Oct. 9 tion rule for certain health maintenance organizations. 104-268.... To designate the United States Post Office building lo- Oct. 9 cated at 351 West Washington Street in Camden, Arkansas, as the "David H. Pryor Post Office Building". PAGE 1996 3144 1996 3145 1996 3146 1996 3147 1996 3148 1996 3150 1996 3151 1996 3161 1996 3166 1996 3167 1996 3168 1996 3169 1996 3170 1996 3171 1996 3172 1996 3173 1996 3175 1996 3176 1996 3177 1996 3212 1996 3213 1996 3288 1996 3290 1996 3298 1996 3299