Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/340

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110 STAT. 316 PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 cease to apply to that institution upon a determination by the Secretary that the institution no longer has an anti-ROTC policy. "(b) NOTICE OF DETERMINATION. — Whenever the Secretary makes a determination under subsection (a) that an institution has an anti-ROTC policy, or that an institution previously determined to have an anti-ROTC policy no longer has such a policy, the Secretary— "(1) shall transmit notice of that determination to the Secretary of Education and to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate and the Committee on National Security of the House of Representatives; and Federal Register, "(2) shall publish in the Federal Register notice of that publication. determination and of the effect of that determination under subsection (a)(1) on the eligibility of that institution for Department of Defense grants and contracts. "(c) SEMIANNUAL NOTICE IN FEDERAL REGISTER. —The Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register once every six months a list of each institution of higher education that is currently ineligible for Department of Defense grants and contracts by reason of a determination of the Secretary under subsection (a). "(d) ANTI-ROTC POLICY.— In this section, the term 'anti-ROTC policy' means a policy or practice of an institution of higher education that— "(1) prohibits, or in effect prevents, the Secretary of Defense from maintaining or establishing a unit of the Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps at that institution, or "(2) prohibits, or in effect prevents, a student at that institution from enrolling in a unit of the Senior Reserve Officer Training Corps at another institution of higher education.". (b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT.— The table of sections at the beginning of such chapter is amended by adding at the end the following new item: "983. Institutions of higher education that prohibit Senior ROTC units: denial of Department of Defense grants and contracts.". SEC. 542. ROTC SCHOLARSfflPS FOR THE NATIONAL GUARD. (a) CLARIFICATION OF RESTRICTION ON ACTIVE DUTY. —Paragraph (2) of section 2107(h) of title 10, United States Code, is amended by inserting "full-time" before "active duty" in the second sentence. (b) REDESIGNATION OF ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS.—Such paragraph is further amended by inserting after the first sentence the following new sentence: "A cadet designated under this paragraph who, having initially contracted for service as provided in subsection (b)(5)(A) and having received financial assistance for two years under an award providing for four years of financial assistance under this section, modifies such contract with the consent of the Secretary of the Army to provide for service as described in subsection (b)(5)(B), may be counted, for the year in which the contract is modified, toward the number of appointments required under the preceding sentence for financial assistance awarded for a period of four years.". SEC. 543. DELAY IN REORGANIZATION OF ARMY ROTC REGIONAL HEADQUARTERS STRUCTURE. (a) DELAY.— The Secretary of the Army may not take any action to reorganize the regional headquarters and basic camp structure of the Reserve Officers Training Corps program of the