Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/711

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PUBLIC LAW 104-106—FEB. 10, 1996 110 STAT. 687 (2) ensure that financial and related program performance data are provided on a reliable, consistent, and timely basis to executive agency financial management systems; and (3) ensure that financial statements support— (A) assessments and revisions of mission-related processes and administrative processes of the executive agency;. and (B) performance measurement of the performance in the case of investments made by the agency in information systems. SEC. 5127. SIGNIFICANT DEVIATIONS. 40 USC 1427. The head of an executive agency shall identify in the strategic information resources management plan required under section 3506(b)(2) of title 44, United States Code, any major information technology acquisition program, or any phase or increment of such a program, that has significantly deviated from the cost, performance, or schedule goals established for the program. SEC. 5128. INTERAGENCY SUPPORT. 40 USC 1428. Funds available for an executive agency for oversight, acquisition, and procurement of information technology may be used by the head of the executive agency to support jointly with other executive agencies the activities of interagency groups that are established to advise the Director in carrying out the Director's responsibilities under this title. The use of such funds for that purpose shall be subject to such requirements and limitations on uses and amounts as the Director may prescribe. The Director shall prescribe any such requirements and limitations during the Director's review of the executive agency's proposed budget submitted to the Director by the head of the executive agency for purposes of section 1105 of title 31, United States Code. Subtitle D—Other Responsibilities SEC. 5131. RESPONSIBILITIES REGARDING EFFICIENCY, SECURITY, 40 USC 1441. AND PRIVACY OF FEDERAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS. (a) STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES.— (1) AUTHORITY. —The Secretary of Commerce shall, on the basis of standards and guidelines developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3) of section 20(a) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278g-3(a)), promulgate standards and guidelines pertaining to Federal computer systems. The Secretary shall make such standards compulsory and binding to the extent to which the Secretary determines necessary to improve the efficiency of operation or security and privacy of Federal computer systems. The President may disapprove or modify such standards and guidelines if the President determines such action to be in the public interest. The President's authority to disapprove or modify such standards and guidelines may not be delegated. Notice of such disapproval or modification Federal Register, shall be published promptly in the Federal Register. Upon publication. receiving notice of such disapproval or modification, the Secretary of Commerce shall immediately rescind or modify such standards or guidelines as directed by the President.