Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 1.djvu/857

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PUBLIC LAW 104-119—MAR. 26, 1996 110 STAT. 833 financial assurance: Provided, That such alternative requirements take into account climatic and hydrogeologic conditions and are protective of human health and environment.". (b) REINSTATEMENT OF REGULATORY EXEMPTION.—It is the 42 USC 6949a intent of section 4010(c)(2) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as "ote. added by subsection (a), to immediately reinstate subpart E of part 258 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations, as added by the final rule published at 56 Federal Register 50798 on October 9, 1991. SEC. 4. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT. The Solid Waste Disposal Act is amended as follows: (1) In section 3001(d)(5) by striking "under section 3001" 42 USC 6921. and inserting "under this section". (2) By inserting a semicolon at the end of section 3004(q)( 1)(C). 42 USC 6924. (3) In section 3004(g), by striking "subparagraph (A) through (C)" in paragraph (5) and inserting "subparagraphs (A) through (C)". (4) In section 3004(r)(2)(C), by striking "pertroleumderived" and inserting "petroleum-derived". (5) In section 3004(r)(3) by inserting after "Standard" the word "Industrial". (6) In section 3005(a), by striking "polycholorinated" and 42USe6925. inserting "polychlorinated". (7) In section 3005(e)(1), by inserting a comma at the end of subparagraph (C). (8) In section 4007(a), by striking "4003" in paragraphs 42USe6947. (1) and (2)(A) and inserting "4003(a)". Approved March 26, 1996. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—H.R. 2036: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 104-454 (Comm. on Commerce). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 142 (1996): Jan. 30, 31, considered and passed House. Feb. 20, considered and passed Senate, amended. Mar. 7, House concurred in Senate amendments. WEEKLY COMPILATION OF PRESIDENTIAL DOCUMENTS, Vol. 32 (1996): Mar. 26, Presidential statement.