Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 2.djvu/882

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110 STAT. 1674 PUBLIC LAW 104-182—AUG. 6, 1996 ment in the delineated source water assessment area or areas concerned. "(4) TIMETABLE. —The timetable referred to in paragraph (3) shall take into consideration the availability to the State of funds under section 1452 (relating to State loan funds) for assessments and other relevant factors. The Administrator may extend any timetable included in a State program approved under paragraph (3) to extend the period for completion by an additional 18 months. "(5) DEMONSTRATION PROJECT.— The Administrator shall, as soon as practicable, conduct a demonstration project, in consultation with other Federal agencies, to demonstrate the most effective and protective means of assessing and protecting source waters serving large metropolitan areas and located on Federal lands. "(6) USE OF OTHER PROGRAMS. —TO avoid duplication and to encourage efficiency, the program under this section may make use of any of the following: "(A) Vulnerability assessments, sanitary surveys, and monitoring programs. "(B) Delineations or assessments of ground water sources under a State wellhead protection program developed pursuant to this section. "(C) Delineations or assessments of surface or ground water sources under a State pesticide management plan developed pursuant to the Pesticide and Ground Water State Management Plan Regulation (subparts I and J of part 152 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations), promulgated under section 3(d) of the Federad Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (7 U.S.C. 136a(d)). "(D) Delineations or assessments of surface water sources under a State watershed initiative or to satisfy the watershed criterion for determining if filtration is required under the Surface Water Treatment Rule (section 141.70 of title 40, Code of Federal Regulations). "(E) Delineations or assessments of surface or ground water sources under programs or plans pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. "(7) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.— The State shall make the results of the source water assessments conducted under this subsection available to the public. "(b) APPROVAL AND DISAPPROVAL.— For provisions relating to program approval and disapproval, see section 1428(c).". (b) APPROVAL AND DISAPPROVAL OF STATE PROGRAMS.— Section 1428 (42 U.S.C. 300h-7) is amended as follows: (1) Amend the first sentence of subsection (c)(1) to read as follows: "If, in the judgment of the Administrator, a State program or portion thereof under subsection (a) is not adequate to protect public water systems as required by subsection (a) or a State program under section 1453 or section 1418(b) does not meet the applicable requirements of section 1453 or section 1418(b), the Administrator shall disapprove such program or portion thereof.". (2) Add after the second sentence of subsection (c)(1) the following: "A State program developed pursuant to section 1453 or section 1418(b) shall be deemed to meet the applicable requirements of section 1453 or section 1418(b) unless the