Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 4.djvu/134

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110 STAT. 2980 PUBLIC LAW 104-205—SEPT. 30, 1996 Contracts. (a) take such action as may be necessary to provide for an independent assessment of the acquisition management system of the Federal Aviation Administration that includes a review of any efforts of the Administrator in promoting and encouraging the use of full and open competition as the preferred method of procurement with respect to any contract that involves an amount greater than $50,000,000; and Reports. (b) submit to the Congress a report on the findings of that independent assessment: Provided, That for purposes of this section, the term "full and open competition" has the meaning provided that term in section 4(6) of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act (41 U.S.C. 403(6)). SEC. 352. 49 U.S.C. 31112 is amended by adding the following new subsection: "(4) Nebraska may continue to allow to be operated under paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, the State of Nebraska may allow longer combination vehicles that were not in actual operation on June 1, 1991 to be operated within its boundaries to transport sugar beets from the field where such sugar beets are harvested to storage, market, factory or stockpile or from stockpile to storage, market or factory. Expiration date. This provision shall expire on September 30, 1997.". SEC. 353. (a) Section 120(c) of title 23, United States Code, is amended by inserting "rail-highway crossing closure," after "carpooling and vanpooling,". (b) Section 130 of such title is amended by adding at the end the following: "(i) INCENTIVE PAYMENTS FOR AT-GRADE CROSSING CLOSURES.— "(1) IN GENERAL.— Notwithstanding any other provision of this section and subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), a State may, from sums available to the State under this section, make incentive payments to local governments in the State upon the permanent closure by such governments of public at-grade railway-highway crossings under the jurisdiction of such governments. "(2) INCENTIVE PAYMENTS BY RAILROADS.— ^A State may not make an incentive payment under paragraph (1) to a local government with respect to the closure of a crossing unless the railroad owning the tracks on which the crossing is located makes an incentive payment to the government with respect to the closure. "(3) AMOUNT OF STATE PAYMENT. —The amount of the incentive payment payable to a local government by a State under paragraph (1) with respect to a crossing may not exceed the lesser of— "(A) the amount of the incentive payment paid to the government with respect to the crossing by the railroad concerned under paragraph (2); or "(B) $7,500. "(4) USE OF STATE PAYMENTS. —A local government receiving an incentive payment from a State under paragraph (1) shall use the amount of the incentive payment for transportation SEifety improvements.". SEC. 354. LIMITATION ON FUNDS USED TO ENFORCE REGULA- TIONS REGARDING ANIMAL FATS AND VEGETABLE OILS.— None of