Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/682

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110 STAT. 3756 PUBLIC LAW 104-303—OCT. 12, 1996 (f) LOCKS AND DAMS ON TENNESSEE-TOMBIGBEE WATERWAY.— (1) DESIGNATIONS.— The following locks, and locks and dams, on the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, located in the States of Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Tennessee, are designated as follows: (A) Gainesville Lock and Dam at Mile 266 designated as Howell Heflin Lock and Dam. (B) Columbus Lock and Dam at Mile 335 designated as John C. Stennis Lock and Dam. (C) The lock and dam at Mile 358 designated as Aberdeen Lock and Dam. (D) Lock A at Mile 371 designated as Amory Lock. (E) Lock B at Mile 376 designated as Glover Wilkins Lock. (F) Lock C at Mile 391 designated as Fulton Lock. (G) Lock D at Mile 398 designated as John Rginkin Lock. (H) Lock E at Mile 407 designated as G.V. "Sonny" Montgomery Lock. (I) Bay Springs Lock and Dam at Mile 412 designated as Jamie Whitten Lock and Dam. (2) LEGAL REFERENCES.— Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to a lock, or lock and dam, referred to in paragraph (1) shall be deemed to be a reference to the designation for the lock, or lock and dam, provided in such paragraph. SEC. 503. WATERSHED MANAGEMENT, RESTORATION, AND DEVELOP- MENT. (a) IN GENERAL. —The Secretary may provide technical, planning, and design assistance to non-Federal interests for carrying out watershed management, restoration, and development projects at the locations described in subsection (d). (b) SPECIFIC MEASURES.— Assistance provided under subsection (a) may be in support of non-Federal projects for the following purposes: (1) Management and restoration of water quality. (2) Control and remediation of toxic sediments. (3) Restoration of degraded streams, rivers, wetlands, and other waterbodies to their natural condition as a means to control flooding, excessive erosion, and sedimentation. (4) Protection and restoration of watersheds, including urban watersheds. (5) Demonstration of technologies for nonstructural measures to reduce destructive impacts of flooding. (c) NON-FEDERAL SHARE.— The non-Federal share of the cost of assistance provided under subsection (a) shall be 50 percent. (d) PROJECT LOCATIONS.— The Secretary may provide assistance under subsection (a) for projects at the following locations: (1) Gila River and Tributaries, Santa Cruz River, Arizona. (2) Rio Salado, Salt River, Phoenix and Tempe, Arizona. (3) Colusa basin, California. (4) Los Angeles River watershed, California. (5) Napa Valley watershed, California. (6) Russian River watershed, California. (7) Sacramento River watershed, California. (8) San Pablo Bay watershed, California.