Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 110 Part 5.djvu/712

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110 STAT. 3786 PUBLIC LAW 104-303—OCT. 12, 1996 of aquatic habitats and aquatic resources at Pennypack Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (2) COOPERATION AGREEMENTS.—In providing assistance under this subsection, the Secretary shall enter into cooperation agreements with the city of Philadelphia, acting through the Fairmount Park Commission. (3) FUNDING.— There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $15,000,000. (e) FRANKFORD DAM. — (1) COOPERATION AGREEMENTS.—The Secretary may enter into cooperation agreements with the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, acting through the Fairmount Park Commission, to provide assistance for the elimination of the Frankford Dam, the replacement of the Rhawn Street Dam, and modifications to the Roosevelt Dam and the Verree Road Dam. (2) FUNDING.— There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection $900,000. SEC. 565. SEVEN POINTS VISITORS CENTER, RAYSTOWN LAKE, PENN- SYLVANIA. (a) IN GENERAL. — The Secretary shall construct a visitors center and related public use facilities at the Seven Points Recreation Area at Raystown Lake, Pennsylvania, generally in accordance with the Master Plan Update (1994) for the Raystown hake Project. (b) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS.— T here is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section $2,500,000. SEC. 566. SOUTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA (a) ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM.— The Secretary may establish a pilot program for providing environmental assistance to non- Federal mterests in southeastern Pennsylvania. (b) FORM OF ASSISTANCE. —Assistsince under this section may be in the form of design and construction assistance for waterrelated environmental infrastructure and resource protection and development projects in southeastern Pennsylvania, including projects for waste water treatment and related facilities, water supply and related facilities, and surface water resource protection and development. (c) PUBLIC OWNERSHIP REQUIREMENT. —The Secretary may provide assistsince for a project under this section only if the project is publicly owned. (d) LOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENTS.— (1) IN GENERAL.— Before providing assistance under this section, the Secretary shall enter into a local cooperation agreement with a non-Federal interest to provide for design and construction of the project to be carried out with such assistance. (2) REQUIREMENTS.— Each local cooperation agreement entered into under this subsection shall provide for the following: (A) PLAN. —Development by the Secretary, in consultation with appropriate Federal and State officials, of a facilities or resource protection and development plan, including appropriate engineering plans and specifications. (B) LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURES.— Establishment of such legal and institutional structures as are necessary to ensure the effective long-term operation of the project by the non-Federal interest.