Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 1.djvu/749

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PUBLIC LAW 105-33—AUG. 5, 1997 111 STAT. 725 CHAPTER 5—RESPONSIBILITIES OF DISTRICT GOVERNMENT SEC. 11041. INTERIM ADMINISTRATION. (a) ADMINISTRATION OF BENEFITS UNTIL APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE.— Notwithstanding chapter 2, after the enactment of this subtitle the District Government shall continue to discharge its duties and responsibilities under the District Retirement Program and the District Retirement Fund (as such duties and responsibilities are modified by this subtitle), including the responsibility for Federal benefit payments, until such time as the Secretary notifies the District Government that the Secretary has directed the Trustee to carry out the duties and responsibilities required under the contract. (b) REIMBURSEMENT FROM TRUST FUND. — The Trustee shall reimburse the District Government for any administrative expenses incurred by the District Government in carrying out subsection (a)— (1) if the Trustee finds such expenses to be reasonable and necessary; and (2) to the extent that the District Government is not reimbursed for such expenses from other sources. (c) MAKING DISTRICT RETIREMENT FUND WHOLE. —The District Government shall reimburse the District Retirement Fund for any benefits paid inconsistent with this subtitle from the District Retirement Fund between the freeze date and the replacement plan adoption date. SEC. 11042. REPLACEMENT PLAN. (a) ADOPTION BY DISTRICT GOVERNMENT.—Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this subtitle, the District Government shall adopt a replacement plan for pension benefits for covered District employees, effective as of the freeze date. (b) REPLACEMENT PLAN IMPOSED IF DISTRICT GOVERNMENT FAILS TO ADOPT PLAN.— I f the District Government fails to adopt a replacement plan within the period prescribed in subsection (a), the retirement program applicable to police, firefighters, and teachers under the laws of the District of Columbia in effect as of June 1, 1997 (except as otherwise amended by this Act), including all requirements of the program regarding benefits, contributions, and cost-of-living adjustments, shall be treated as the replacement plan for purposes of this subtitle. (c) No PAYMENT OF AMOUNTS PAID AS FEDERAL BENEFIT PAY- MENT. —Notwithstanding any provision of the Reform Act or any other law, rule, or regulation, the District Government is not required to pay any amount under any replacement plan under this subtitle if the amount is paid as a Federal benefit payment under this subtitle. CHAPTER 6—FINANCING OF BENEFIT PAYMENTS AFTER DEPLETION OF TRUST FUND SEC. 11051. CREATION OF FEDERAL SUPPLEMENTAL FUND. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.— There is established on the books of the Treasury the Federal Supplemental District of Columbia Pension Fund, which shall be administered by the Secretary and shall consist of the following assets: