Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/741

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PROCLAMATION 6961—NOV. 28, 1996 111 STAT. 2829 AKNEX HODIFXCATIONS TO THE HARMONIZED TARIFF SCHEDULE OF THE UNITED STATES nCTXOM A. Effective with reapect to goods entered, or wlthdravm froat wereheuee for conauaption, on or after November 28, 199e, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the Harmonised Tariff Schedule of the United States Is modified by Inserting in numerical sequence the new provisions set forth below, applicable during the time periods specified therein, with the language Inserted in the colunns entitled "Heading/Subheading", "Article Description", "Rates of Duty 1-Oeneral", "Rates of Duty 1-Speclal" and "Rates of Duty 2"; and upon the close of November 27, 1999, these provisions and superior text thereto shall be deleted from the HTS: •Irooiu (neafpt M>l>k broou), xlwlly or tn put of broa« corn* valuod aot ovox •<« oach* is quantitloa ill oxcoa* of tho In-quota quantity tor auch goeda (providnd rot in aubhoading MOl.tO.iOl: If ontorod during tho period from Movanbor It, 1>M, throufh'llovaaboi 21, Jill: Produeta of countrioa onuaoratad in gonatal noto «(a) to tho HTS aa that nota oxlatad on llnvai^ar tl, !>*< to Uia tariff achodula, oacopt produeta of PanaMa* and gooda of Canada undar the tarma of gonaral noto 12 to the tariff achodulo... 1*0). M.02 If ontarad during the period froi HovaNbar It, Iff, through NovaiMwr 21, 1«M: Produeta of eountriaa anuawratod In gonaral nota 4(a) to the HTS »a that noto anlatad on Novaadwr 21, 1««( to the tariff achadula, axcopt products of Panaju, and gooda of Canada undar the tariu of gonaral nda to tho tariff achadula I rraa (ILI

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If antarad during the period ttom Novai 2>, liM, through Novaabar 2, IMS: