Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 111 Part 3.djvu/827

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PROCLAMATION 7007—MAY 30, 1997 111 STAT. 2915 Modification* to th« Harmonlzad Tariff Schadul* of th« United Statas ('HTS') Section A. General note 4 to the Harmoniced Tariff Schedule of the United St atea ("HTS ") La modi fied as provided in t his s ecti on. (1). Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn froai warehouse for consumption, on or after July 31, 1997, (a), general note 4(a) to the HTS is modified by inserting in the list of Indepe ndent cou ntr ie s, in al phabe tical or der, "C ambodia "; an d (b). general note 4(b) to the HTS is modified by inserting in the list of least -deve loped ben efi cia ry deve loping co untr ies, i n a lphab etical or der, "C ambodia'. (2). Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after May 31, 1997,general note 4(d) to the HTS is modi fied byt (a), deleting the following subheading and the country set out opposite such s ubheading: 16 04.1 5.00 Chi le 2208.60.50 R ussia 2909.19.10 India 6905.10.00 V ene zue la 7413.00. 10 Peru 7604.10.50 Russia 7614.90. 20 V enez uel a 8401. 10.00 Rus sia 8469.12.00 Ind onesia 8471.49. 26 Thail and 8471. 60.35 Tha iland 8517. 19.4 0 Thail and 8517.19.80 Thai land 8527.21.10 Brazil 8527. 90.90 P hili ppine s (b). by deleting the country set out opposite the following subheadingi 1604.16.10 M oro cco 29 33. 29. 45 Slov enia 29 33.39.25 Bra zil 2933.71.00 Russia 4107.9 0.60 South Africa 4203.21.20 Indonesia 760S. 11.00 Russia (c). by adding, in numerical sequence, the following provisions and countries set out opposite them: 2901.29.50 India 2909.19.14 India 2909.19.18 India (3). Effective with respect to articles entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after July 1, 1997, general note 4(d) to the HTS is mod ified byt (a), by adding,.<n numerical sequence, the following provisions and countries set out opposite them: 0708.10.20 Guatemala 0708.90.15 India 0710.80.93 Cu ate mal K 0711.40.00 Indi a 0714.10.10 Costa Rir a 0714.10.20 Coata Rica 0714.20.20 Dominican Republic 0311.90.10 Coota Rica 0811.90.50 Costa Rica 1007.00.00 Ar gen tin a 110 6.30.20 E cuado r 13 01.90. 40 I ndonesi a 1403.90.40 India 10 05.90.55 Ind onesia 1702.60.2 2 A rgent ina 1702.90.35 Belize 170 2.90.40 Dom inica n R epublic 1703.10.30 Dominican Rrpublic 1 80b.32. 55 Colomb ia 20 04. 10.4 0 Colomb ia 2003.30.10 Doininican Republic 2008.99. 13 Costa R ic» 2008.99.2 3 Do mini can Repu bli c 2106.90.12 Dominican Republic 2202.90.36 Dominican Republic 2516.22.00 Indlu 2 608.00.00 Peru 3920.59.80 Donilnicsn Republic 4015.11.00 Thail and 410 4.31.40 Arge ntina 4 413.92.5 0 Indonesia 4 412.9 9.55 Colo mbia 4'?03.10.23 Indonocia 4323.90.20 Philippin es 5702.49.1 5 India 5904. 91.00 India 7109.00.00 P eru 7113.11. 50 Thaila nd 7113.19.21 Per u 7113.20.21 India 7 614.9 0.50 Vene zuela 790 5.00.00 P eru 3103.90.60 Ru nsia 8112.30.60 Russia 8211. 92.6 0 Paki stan 3412.1 0.00.R ussi a 3413.30.10 Brazil 8414.30.CO Brazil 8471.CO.35 Indoneci.i E47 1.70.5C Phi lip pin os 8516.50.00 Tha iland 8517.80.10 Indone nla 8528.12.0 4 Ind onesi a 8531.20.00 Thailand 8708.39.50 Brazil 9C0fi.C2.00 Yhdlland V401. 09.40 Indones ia