Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 112 Part 2.djvu/298

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112 STAT. 1182 PUBLIC LAW 105-220—AUG. 7, 1998 "(iv) development and testing of research-based tools to enhance consumer decisionmaking about rehabilitation technology products and services. "(18) Research grants may be used to provide for research and demonstration projects and related activities that explore the use and effectiveness of specific alternative or complementary medical practices for individuals with disabilities. Such projects and activities may include projects and activities designed to— "(A) determine the use of specific alternative or complementary medical practices among individuals with disabilities and the perceived effectiveness of the practices; "(B) determine the specific information sources, decisionmaking methods, and methods of payment used by individuals with disabilities who access alternative or complementary medical services; "(C) develop criteria to screen and assess the validity of research studies of such practices for individuals with disabilities; and "(D) determine the effectiveness of specific alternative or complementary medical practices that show promise for promoting increased functioning, prevention of secondary disabilities, or other positive outcomes for individuals with certain types of disabilities, by conducting controlled research studies. "(c)(1) In carrying out evaluations of covered activities under this section, the Director is authorized to make arrangements for site visits to obtain information on the accomplishments of the projects. "(2) The Director shall not make a grant under this section that exceeds $500,000 unless the peer review of the grant application has included a site visit. " RE HA B ILI TA TION RESEARCH ADVISORY COUNCIL 29 USC 765. " SEC. 205. (a) ESTABLISHMENT.—Subject to the availability of appropriations, the Secretary shall establish in the Department of Education a Rehabilitation Research Advisory Council (referred to in this section as the 'Council') composed of 12 members appointed by the Secretary. "(b) DUTIES. —The Council shall advise the Director with respect to research priorities and the development and revision of the 5-year plan required by section 202(h). "(c) QUALIFICATIONS. — Members of the Council shall be generally representative of the community of rehabilitation professionals, the community of rehabilitation researchers, the community of individuals with disabilities, and the individuals' representatives. At least one-half of the members shall be individuals with disabilities or the individuals' representatives. " (d) TERMS OF APPOINTMENT. — "(1) LENGTH OF TERM. —Each member of the Council shall serve for a term of up to 3 years, determined by the Secretary, except that— "(A) a member appointed to fill a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term for which a predecessor was appointed, shall be appointed for the remainder of such term; and "(B) the terms of service of the members initially appointed shall be (as specified by the Secretary) for such